Chapter 35

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The body the police found in the lake wasn't Danny's.

It identified as being an individual named Doug Lot. The night of his death he escaped from a nearby mental hospital. Many patients stated that Doug had to warn someone about something, and that he was in great fear. Knowing that it was Blaire that killed him, my mind automatically connected the dots.

Doug was the man on the cross that Blaire wanted me to kill.

Why? Why did Blaire kill him? Could the warning have been for me? How would have Doug even figured out where I live?

The thought of it haunted me. The gunshots, the image, the thought of me even being there.

Although Danny is still nowhere to be found, it's a relief to know that he could be out there alive somewhere.

I hope.

I'm on my laptop trying to see maybe if I can get into contact with Allison's family. They're the ones that can answer the most questions about Blaire considering what they've been through. I don't understand why the police haven't went to them yet, we all know Blaire has Danny. Maybe Blaire has mentioned to Allison in the past secret hiding places he's gone to, maybe anything Allison has told her family in the past about Blaire can lead us to Danny.

"So, who's going to bring me food for thanksgiving?" Nina spoke eating fruit snacks.

Right now I am currently at the hospital with Jackson, Hanna, and also Tia. Nina has been improving physically and mentally, and the doctors said she should be discharged by the end of next week. It sucks that she's going to be in here for the holidays, but her family is planning on being here with her. Maybe we will all stop by also.

"I'll save you a plate." Tia responded while eating hot cheetohs.

I created a facebook account just so I could see if I could search Allison's family up. Simply typing her name into google search didn't do justice.

"Just 'a plate'? It's thanksgiving I don't just eat a 'plate', I eat plates." Nina laughed.

"You have to remember who you are talking to, Tia eats SEVERAL plates." Jackson joked...I think.

Probably the truth.

I looked up from my laptop screen seeing Tia playfully hit Jackson in the arm. I let out a small laugh, and then went back to trying to search up Allison's family members. Eventually, I came across her mom.

Because her page wasn't on private, I began to type a message to send to her. I mentioned who I was, and the situation we're all currently experiencing.

Maybe we could possibly have a phone call where she can answer some of my questions, if she feels comfortable that is.

"Rose, what are you so busy with?" Nina questioned still laughing a little bit from a group conversation that I wasn't paying attention to.

I finished typing my message, sent it, and then looked up.

"Oh, um nothing...I just, wanted to see if I could get into contact with Allison's family. I wanted to see if they could answer some of my questions about could lead us to where Danny might be." I spoke.

Everyone in the room went quiet as they remembered how he was still out there, and a threat to all of us.

Nina looked down at her now empty fruit snack package.

"oh" she responded. I shook my head yes while remaining silent.

"I heard you have police watching over you now 24/7, what happened the other day?" Hanna asked.

Since the incident that happened, police are now making sure my house, parents, and I are protected at all costs. There's usually one cop waiting outside, and they'll exchange shifts throughout the day.

I looked at my laptop screen, still no reply from Allison's mom.

"Um, Blaire was outside of my house. At first he left a rose at my doorstep, but then scary shit began to happen, the snow storm didn't make it any better. I ran outside in the snow with no shoes nor socks on, a sweater, and bed shorts towards Danny's house."

"Damn, I would've ran so fast I would've ended up all the way on the other side of the world." Tia spoke getting up to throw her hot cheetoh bag away in the trash.

"Knowing me I would have tripped." Hanna added in. We all laughed agreeing.

I looked up at Nina seeing her look out the window. I could tell she had a lot on her mind.

I looked back down at my laptop screen seeing that Allison's mom responded.

"Guys she responded!" I said with excitement.

"What did she say?" Hanna asked. I read the message.

Teresa Matthew: I am so unbelievably sorry to hear about the tragedy you and your friends are experiencing. I actually saw it on the news a couple of days ago. I would love to answer some of the questions you have about the situation that occurred between my daughter Allison...and Blaire. Instead of a phone call, would you like to meet somewhere safe in person? I live close to two and a half hours away, but would be able to come to you.

"She wants to meet me in person to talk about everything. Guys, they only moved about two hours away." I spoke looking at everyone. That could mean that they're still in the same state, or out of state. It was rumored that they moved far away, but I guess not.

"That's crazy I would have moved out of the country.....Tell her you can meet up, but do it at a midway point between you guys. You don't want to be at the McDonalds over here and then all of the sudden Blaire shows up with a gun." Jackson chuckled towards the end, he actually had a point.

"I guess that's true. Let me message her."

Me: that would be awesome. Lets meet somewhere halfway.

"Are you sure you should go Rose?" Nina spoke out of nowhere. We all looked at her.

"Why not?" I questioned. This could help everyone out a lot, including the police. This might lead us to where Danny is, who Blaire actually is as a person.

Nina struggled for words for a few seconds, "I just...I don't know Rose. Blaire could follow you there, he could be following you everywhere. Who knows if you're even talking to the right person, what if Blaire made a fake account and is pretending to be the mom? Or what if this just gets you nowhere. What if we're too late? What if Danny is already dead and this is all just a trap."

"Why are you talking like this?"

"Because I'm a realist, and I'm done assuming things......Rose......I'm scared. I'm scared for me, Hanna, Tia, Jackson, but mostly I'm scared for you. You're the one he wants, and he's still out there...I don't want anything to happen to any of all see what he's capable of.." She finished.

We all went silent.

I looked down at my laptop screen.

Teresa Matthew: Sure. There's a Panera in between both of our locations. If you aren't busy we can meet there tomorrow, I will be bringing my daughter Claudia with as well. I'll send you the location.

I took a couple of seconds to think.

Me: Great :)

I closed my laptop, and looked back at Nina.

"I promise you everything will be okay. This is for Danny. This is for all of us."

"We're going to find him, and when we do, how about we have a 2nd thanksgiving together when we all get our lives together." Tia suggested.

I shook my head agreeing, and then looked at Nina to see what she thought about it.

She reached into the fruit-snack box that was right next to her, and pulled out another little package of fruit-snacks.

"As long as we make the food taste good." She spoke opening her fruit-snacks.

We all laughed.

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