Chapter 17

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A week has passed, and I haven't spoken to Blaire since his mom told me to. If this is what his mom wants then I have to respect her, and listen to her.

A mother knows her son.

The 3rd hour bell rung, and I started walking to AP Calc. It's kind of weird thinking about how there's so many people that go to this school, but I've only limited myself to talking to a few. I'm not that much of a people person, so I guess it doesn't really matter. However, I'm  thankful that it was easy to adjust to Danny's group of friends.

When he said they were great people, he meant it.

I turned a corner going down a very narrow creepy hallway that holds a drinking fountain at the end. There was one person coming out of it, therefore leaving me alone. I forgot my water bottle at home today, and I was quite parched from giving a speech about my experiment in AP physics 2 last hour.

The lights flickered as I walked.

When I finally reached the fountain, I pulled my hair up, bent down, and consumed the water. It was absolutely horrible, I hate school water, but it'll do. Some kids don't even have any drinking fountains at their school.

Sometimes you just have to deal with what you have.

Once my thirst was quenched, I released the push button. I stood up straight, and let go of my hair getting ready to walk away to my AP calc class. We have a 5 minute passing period, I used up about 2. Luckily the class is right around the corner though.

As I turned around, I came face to face with a familiar body.

"Shit, Blaire you have to stop doing that." I said jumping in surprise. Blaire stood right in front of with an expressionless face.

At first I would expect him to say "hello Rose" or something else, but he jumped right into what he came to see me about..or I should say followed me.

"Rose we haven't talked in days, is there something wrong?" He questioned.

Yes, there is something wrong, it's called you and your mom.

I took a deep breath and looked away from his bright blue eyes that are filled with concerned. I then looked at the ground, and bit my lip.

"No, I've just been busy." I spoke looking back up at him. I could see anger beginning to form in his eyes. He probably knew I was lying, even I could tell I was lying.

"Is this because of my mental illnesses? You haven't talked to me since then." I could see him grabbing onto his bookbag handles very harshly. At first I avoided him for a few days because of that, I'm still trying to let all of that new information digest in my head, but now it's only because of the warnings from his mom. I don't want him to think that's the reason why, because then he will feel like I'm judging him, or find him weird.

"No not at all. I mean, yeah it's hard to digest in my head it's just that..-"

"-it's just what Rose?!" He questioned loudly. It sort of took me by surprise.

Even though my mind told me not to, my mouth eventually spilt it all.

"Your mom. Okay? The day you saw her talking to me at my house she told me to not talk to you anymore. She said you were dangerous." I said shrugging.

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