Chapter 28

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I answered the doorbell after getting dressed, and saw Danny standing before me. We are going to to ride together to school today.

Not only would this give me the opportunity to catch up on things with Danny, but question him about what Blaire said to me as well.

"Danny did too"

If Danny wrote some of the notes, that means he also threatened Allison? Also obsessed over her?

"Good morning mix-match." Danny spoke pointing towards my socks. One was purple, and one was blue. I don't know why people care so much about wearing matching socks, because eventually, they get covered up by your shoes.

I ducked down, and began to put my white high top converse on.

"They're not so mix-matched anymore, are they?" I responded sarcastically while pointing at my now covered feet.

Danny rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Whatever, lets go before we're late."

As we drove to school, I figured that I could get the conversation that I wanted to have with Danny over and done with. Although it may not be something so great to start the day off with, it's necessary.

"Danny.." I said while looking out the window. The mountains looked absolutely beautiful coated in a fresh new blanket of snow. It's weird to think how not too many days ago it was storming like crazy, and now it was back snowing again.

"Yesss" he responded while looking out of the window.

I took a small deep breath, and continued to speak.

"Blaire and I...talked the other day...he exclaimed himself to me...-"

"-come on Rose are you really going to believe that b.s? They're all lies...Blaire is crazy."

I looked at Danny.

"So him saying that you wrote some of those messages to Allison was a lie?" I questioned. Danny went silent. He then drove into a store parking lot, and parked the car.

"What did Blaire say to you?" He asked sternly.

"He said that you wrote some of the messages to Allison that I found in Blaire's house, is that true or a lie?"

Danny hesitated.

"Rose, you can't tell ANYONE, not even Nina, not your parents, not ANYONE."

I looked out the window, and then back at him. So it was true.

"I did it as a joke. I used to talk to Blaire okay? He just moved here two years ago, and I used to hangout with him. I was an immature 16 year old, and I also knew Allison, our families were close. When junior year came and Allison started to tutor him...I don't know, the kid asked me if I wanted to pull a prank on her, and I said sure why not. She was like a sister to me and we always joked around with each other. He told me what to write in those letters Rose! And I eventually stopped when I saw how obsessive he was getting over her, and when Allison started complaining to me about them and how weird Blaire is...I swear Rose."

Why would Blaire make it appear as if Danny is just as bad as he is?

"I wont tell anyone, I promise." I said trying to comfort him. However, I will make sure to keep a close eye on him. I don't know what to believe anymore.

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