Chapter 24

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"Stick to the plan." Danny spoke as he put the microphone earpiece in my ear.

Right now we were currently setting everything up in my room that we bought from 5 below, and also waiting for Blaire to leave his house. Incase something happens to our cheap earpieces, we created paper signs that said "go", "stop", and "hide".

I'm super nervous, but I know that this has to get done.

"We'll constantly keep you updated on what we see....okay?" Nina said as she tried putting on her earpiece as well. When Danny was finished putting on mine, he went over to Nina to help put hers on.

I stared at Blaire's house trying to see if he left yet, but I saw him walk past his dining room window downstairs.

My anxiety was starting to kick in.

"Rose...are you sure about this?" Nina questioned as she began to pull her hair into a bun when her ear piece was done getting put on. No, I'm not sure about this, but I'm sure that I have to find answers.

I shook my head yes.

"This has to get done, and I've been in his house before. I haven't explored every single room but..I know places that I could hide in." I spoke looking back at Blaire's house. I saw the front door beginning to open.

I looked at Danny and Nina. We all went silent for a couple of seconds.

We were all scared.

Scared not only because we could get into major trouble, but scared also because Blaire could be a killer.

What everyone says he is.

"He's leaving....I have to go now....incase something happens..come to his house and come get me. Okay?" I looked at them both. They both shook their heads. I could tell that they were worried just as much as I was.

We all looked at Blaire's house for the last time, and saw him finally leaving out of his front door walking away.

I turned around, and walked past Danny and Nina, however, someone grabbed my arm stopping me from going any further.

"What if you do find answers....then what?" Nina asked.

I have no clue.

"I'm not sure.......apart of me is hoping I don't find anything, but apart of me is."

I put my finger on my earpiece, and pressed down on it.

"Are these working?" I spoke. They both said yes.

I let out a deep breath, and began to finally walk out of my room. When I reached the front door downstairs, I opened it slowly and stared at the haunted looking house across the street. The cold air hit my face almost warning me to stay inside, but I had to go.

I gulped.

I began to take footsteps towards it after closing my door, looked left to right for any signs of Blaire, and then jogged over to his house once I knew the coast was clear.

When I arrived, I tried opening up his front door to see if he left it unlocked.

"Shit." I whispered to myself finding out that the door was indeed locked. I mean I knew that it would probably be locked, I was just hoping that it wouldn't be.

My expectations are a bit...stupid.

Be smart Rose, look around to try to see if you can find a key.

I automatically started looking under the matt outside of his house, nothing there.

I looked under the rocks around his house, between the bushes, and everything.

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