Chapter 26

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It's currently 8:00pm, and a school night. I am still stuck on working on homework in my room, but luckily I'm almost finished. My parents are out at dinner with Danny's parents, so I have light music playing throughout the house to try to see if it'll help me be more focused, but it isn't.

Ever since the weekend I haven't been focused. All that plays in my head are the words:

You'll regret this.

Those aren't just any random words, those were words that were once written to Allison, and now she's dead.

I looked up from my laptop screen that I am currently writing an essay on, and stared out the window looking at the dark haunted house across the street.

Blaire is probably in their listening to opera music, laughing and smiling about the thought of thinking that he can scare me, threaten me.

He can't.

That's something that I will absolutely no longer tolerate. It's time for me to confront him.

I closed my laptop shut, and got up from my bed. I quickly slipped on a heavy hoodie, jogging pants, and a pair of boots.

I can't let this continue, and I can't let this get farther than what it already is.

Walking out of my room, I rushed down the stairs and went to the front door.

When I opened it, the cold soon to be winter air hit my face making me shiver.

I dug my hands inside of my sleeves, clenched them, and then shut my house door behind me beginning to walk over to Blaire's house.

From a distance I could already hear opera music playing through his closed windows. He's probably trying to put together another batch of flowers for me, with probably a new threat attached to them.

"Blaire!" I shouted as I reached his house and began to knock on his door. I continuously began to ring the doorbell, but never got an answer.

"Blaire open this door!" I continued to yell. Still no answer.

Furiously, I twisted his front door hoping he would hear it, however, instead it opened.

My anger then toned down.

Inside of his house was mostly pitch black. The only light in his house was the one at the end of the hallway, coming from his living room.

I gulped, and eventually stepped foot inside of his house, which wasn't any better than the outside temperature wise

The opera music played loudly, blocking out all sounds of me coming into this house.

I slowly closed the door behind me trying to see if I should just go back home, but this has to get done. No more waiting.

When the door finally closed, I steadily took footsteps towards where the light was coming from. My heart was racing.

As I got closer to the room with the light on, it began to get warmer. Blaire must have turned the fireplace on.

I continued walking until I eventually reached the room, only to find Blaire sitting on one of the couches, watching the fireplace burn.

I gulped.

"B-Blaire.." I tried to speak.

Because of the distance from the stereo, the music now appeared light, so it was easy to hear me speak.

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