Chapter 30

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Today is Sunday, and I am recovering from a massive hangover while hanging out with Nina, Hanna, Tia, and Jackson. No one has heard from Danny, but I could honestly care less. I don't remember a lot from yesterday, but I do remember Danny and I getting into a huge drunken argument.

Maybe he didn't mean exactly what he said, but those had to be some statements that he thought deep down. Right?

"I called Danny like one hundred times, he didn't answer, it went straight to voicemail." Nina spoke sitting down with her burrito bowl. We were currently at chipotle.

"I even went to his house, rung the doorbell, and knocked on the door before us all meeting at your house Rose. There was no answer there either. You would've at least expected for his parents to be home." Jackson added in.

Silence filled the air.

"Welp, I'm still stuck on how Rose turned into the incredible hulk on that boy. She said POW and I swear I saw his eyes roll to the back of his head." Tia laughed. Everyone else let out a chuckle as well.

"Don't forget the dramatic 'I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" Jackson said trying to imitate me.

I rolled my eyes.

"It's all over social media too, someone recorded it." Hanna said while taking a sip out of her drink.

"I bet." I responded while looking out of the window. I guess that's what I'm going to be known for around school now. The girl that punched drunk Danny in the face, and told him that she was going to kill him.

"I just hope he's okay. I had to drive him home because he was way too out of it to drive. I mean I handed him over to his parents. They didn't even question the blood they knew something went wrong. I tried to say he got into a fight, not mentioning your name at all Rose, but they were just glad I took him home, and handled it from there." Nina spoke.

"Maybe he's upset with himself from taking it too far."

"He's probably suffering from a black eye."

"Maybe he's-"

"Guys can you all just stop!" I shout not only grabbing their attention, but the whole restaurants attention as well. Everyone looked at me as if I'm crazy.

"Danny is fine, okay? Just drop it! Lets stop worrying about 'little sweet Danny' and realize that he was the biggest asshole to me yesterday, and deserved everything he got from me." I finished, anger was rising inside of me.

I sighed heavily trying to calm down, and looked down at the table.

"Rose.." Hanna spoke softly.

"Yes Hanna?" I spoke while still looking down at the table.

"What did Danny mean by, 'mental illnesses do run in your family'?"

I didn't respond at first. I have the choice between telling them that I have no clue, or the actual truth.

I looked up at them looking at me with concern.

"I had an older sister, Bella, she had schizophrenia, and committed suicide." I said quietly at the end while looking back down at the table.

Everyone continued to be silent.

I wasn't really expecting anyone to say anything, it's a hard and touchy subject. And I think the worst thing to say is that I was scared of my own sister.

I still have dreams of her chasing me around the house, even trying to kill me.

"Michael is going to get you!" She screamed while running after me.

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