Chapter 36

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It was an hour drive to come to this Panera bread. I told my parents I was visiting Nina at the hospital, when in reality I wasn't. I feel bad for lying, but they wouldn't have allowed me to go, especially without police supervision. I watched my surroundings though, and no one followed me here, at least not Blaire.

"Iced caramel latte for Rose." The worker spoke. I walked up to the stand and grabbed the latte saying thank you, and then walked over to a table next to a window.

As I took a seat, I looked at those around me either talking to their friends, family members, or simply just doing work. Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and it's just so weird to see people out and about this early . Usually my family would be going to the store to buy ingredients for the food we make, but both of my parents had work today.

I put my straw into my drink and took a sip from it. At the same time, I turned on my phone trying to see what time it is.


I don't know why Mrs. Matthew wanted to meet so early, but I guess it's because she had a packed schedule today too. She's running a little late though.

I slunched down a little bit in my seat continuing to drink from my iced latte. About 5 minutes passed until I saw a middle aged short woman walk through the door with a tall skinny girl that resembled Allison, at least from the pictures I've seen of her online, except this girl had strawberry blonde hair.

I sat up in my seat correctly, and began to stand up trying to see if I could catch their attention.

Right away Mrs.Matthew recognized me, and began to walk towards me with her daughter.

As they approached me, I began to hold out my hand with a smile on my face, but instead, Mrs.Matthew went in for a hug.

It caught me off guard, but I understand why she chose to hug me rather than give a simple handshake. She understands what I'm going through, what we're all going through.

We pulled away from each other and I looked at her in the eyes. She was much shorter than me, and her eyes were filled with pain and worry. Filled with so much sadness. She looked as if she hadn't slept in years, hadn't taken great care of herself.

After the death of her daughter, she must of just let herself go.

Who could blame her.

"Hello Rose, so nice to meet you. I'm Teresa, this is my daughter Claudia...Allison's younger sister." She spoke placing her hand on Claudia's shoulder. I smiled and waved.

"Hi, I'm of course Rose. Thank you so much for being here, really. I need this right now."

Teresa nodded her head, and took a seat at the table along with Claudia. I sat down as well in my seat, and pushed my drink to the side. There will be no time to finish the rest until after this conversation is over.

I allowed them to adjust in their seats, but I couldn't help but develop anxiety. My palms began to sweat, and my heart began to race.

I don't know what to expect.

Teresa cleared her throat and looked at me with her tired brown eyes.

I gulped.

"So, where do we start?" She questioned and chuckled nervously. I could tell she was already on the verge of crying, as well as Claudia. It's such an uncomfortable topic, one that will hit home for not only them, but me as well.

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