Chapter 21

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Right when I got home, I walked over to Blaire's house aggravated. At flattop grill I texted Danny wondering if Eli talked to him about what happened during lunch, and he said it dealt with me.

I rung Blaire's doorbell, and then knocked on the door. I have absolutely no patience right now, I need answers. I tried texting and calling Eli to see if he could tell me directly what happened, but he never responded, nor answered the calls.

When Blaire finally opened the door, I walked inside without getting an invite. He then closed it slowly behind me. For once there was no music playing, but what was weird was that all of the blinds were closed throughout the house.

"Rose what's up?" Blaire questioned bringing his hands to his side. I watched him tap his right fingers one by one against his thigh.

"What happened at lunch today?" I asked getting right to the point. I was going to try to stay as calm as possible, hopefully I can as long as Blaire just tells the truth.

Blaire let out a small laugh.

"I don't know what you're talking ab-"

"Don't lie to me Blaire. I already know what happened between you and Eli at lunch today, and I already know that it was about me...can you just..please tell me?" I spoke not trying to come off too harsh.

Blaire's face suddenly went cold, and his voice became bitter.

"Who told you this, Eli?" He questioned taking a step towards me. I stood still and stared directly at him.

"It doesn't matter who told me this, what did you say to him Blaire? I'm trying to ask you in a way where this doesn't lead to an argument. Just tell me."

My heart began to race. Not only is it getting hard to control my emotions, but also hard for me to stand here and talk to him knowing what this can turn into. I don't care though, I need answers and he needs to know that whatever he did is not okay.

Blaire laughed and ran one of his hands through his hair. He looked down at the floor, and then at me.

"I'm just trying to protect you Rose, Eli is a bad guy." He said taking a step closer to me. I took a step back.

"What are you talking about Blaire? I just hung out with him. How would you even know that he's a bad guy?" I questioned raising my voice. He seemed taken back by it, and his attitude began to change.

"You don't get it, do you?" He spoke glaring at me with his piercing blue eyes.

"You're right I don't get it, can you please stop being difficult and try explaining everything?!"

Blaire took a deep breath.

"I don't want you to get hurt. I want to protect you and keep you happy. A friend is trying to help a friend. That's what we're supposed to do!"

"That doesn't give you the right to go and threaten him or whatever you said to him. You must have said something pretty bad to him since he's refusing to talk to me at the moment. Eli and I just started to talk and he's a really great guy. You probably just fucked up all of my chances of really getting to know him! You won't even tell me what you said to him and he won't even tell anyone what you said to him either!" I yelled at him. He lifted up his head a little, and stared down at me.

"I didn't 'fuck up' anything." He spoke in a dark tone that sent disturbing chills down my spine. It seemed like I was talking to a totally different person right now, crazy person that is.

"He's the biggest heartbreaker in school, everybody knows it. The rumors, the lies, the exposures, I'm sure knowing who you hang around he's fucked 3 out of the 5 people in your pathetic group. Maybe even you too, in the car right? I mean that's where you guys spent almost 20 minutes in right?"

Blaire took a couple steps towards me, I was completely speechless.

"I can't believe you would rather talk to that fucking cunt over me!" Blaire yelled slamming his fist down on a decorative table that was right next to him. It was now clear that this all happened over jealousy, not to "protect" me from anyone.

I felt my voice begin to shake, I'm furious.

"If we're going to believe that people are who they are off of rumors......" I begin to speak. I was not going to hold back. I just came to his house for a simple answer, and he just crossed the line.

"I guess you killed Alison then, right?....What should I call you instead of Blaire....killer?" I finished while taking a step towards him. I watched Blaire turn stone cold. I think I'm forgetting that I'm in a house alone with a mentally ill individual, and I probably just said the most hurtful thing to him as a friend.

Also, he's blocking the doorway.

"Leave." He spoke darkly. I gulped and continued to look at him. I then began to walk towards the door.

Because the house was so big and now currently silent, the sounds of my shoes walking against the floor echoed all throughout the rooms and hallways.

Once I reached the door, I turned around only seeing Blaire facing the opposite direction of me. What I said to him was probably a little too low.


"-I said leave!" He shouted still not turning around. I shook a little from the sudden surprise of his voice, and then opened the door.

When I stepped outside and closed the door, the sun was just setting, and I could see my parents just pulling into the driveway getting home from work. They seemed to be in a happy mood, maybe something good happened today.

I began to walk to my house to see if I could join in on the mood, but I know the thought of what just happened will be on my mind for a couple of hours.

Dark Roses #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now