Chapter 33

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I turned to the side rubbing my eyes, and reached out a hand trying to turn it off.

I thought today was Saturday?

Once turning off my alarm clock was accomplished, I squinted and looked at the time.


"What the heck." I whispered to myself.

I sat up slowly, and reached for my phone placed next to my clock. When I grabbed ahold of it, I viewed the front screen to see what day it is.

Saturday, November 12th

I must have accidentally turned on my alarm clock, but why to 3:07am?

I unlocked my phone viewing my text messages. A few were from the group chat with Nina, Tia, Jackson, and Hanna. We created a new one, not wanting to send messages to Danny's phone. The rest of the text messages were from my friends back in Illinois.

I continued to scroll down my messages to see who else could have possibly messaged me.

One message completely caught me by surprise, and put me in great shock.

It was from Danny.

I clicked on it.

Danny: Hello.

I stared at my phone screen for a little bit.

"Oh my gosh." I spoke. The tiredness I had in me completely  wore off in a split second. I immediately called him, however, it went to direct voicemail.

Danny: Don't call me, or I will stop texting.

I continued to just hold my phone in my hand, finally, words came to my mind that I could text him. This isn't real, no way it could be.

Me: where are you?! Are you okay?! Do you need help?!

I waited for a response.

Danny: I'm where I belong.

And where is that place? What the heck.

I continued to type.

Me: Danny, you have to come home. Everyone is worried sick about you, and everyone is searching for you. You're on the news and everything. Where are you?!

My frustration began to rise.

Danny: I'll come home, only if they let me.


Who's "they"?

Me: Danny, who's "they"? What are you talking about? Why wont you just let me call you?!

There was no response after that. I pressed the call icon next to his contact, and tried to see if he could answer.

Again, no answer.

I went back to my keypad, and began to dial 911. In the process, I'll start walking to my parents room to inform them on what's going on.

I held my phone to my ear, and removed my covers off of my so I could get up from my bed.

However, I couldn't move.

"911 what's you're emergency?" The operator spoke. I tried twisting myself, trying to pull myself up, but nothing worked.

I was in full panic mode.


"Mom, D-" I began to shout while looking towards my doorway.

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