Chapter 25

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Over the past couple of days, I have completely ignored Blaire. I know I should confront him, but I don't know what to think right now, nor what to do with all of this new information.

Im scared.

He has constantly been ringing my doorbell, dropping off fresh roses at my door, wondering what Eli said to me at lunch a couple of days ago, or who "scared me away".

You did Blaire, you did.

The thought of him just made me sick. Those messages to Allison, the thought of him killing Andrew and her, the memory of him.....pretending to dance with me.

I pushed away the plate of food my mom laid out for me for breakfast. Today was Saturday, and I was currently sitting in the kitchen confused about everything. If I take this to the police they'll laugh at me. They would probably tell me that the plane tickets do not mean anything, and that he could have went to Illinois for anything. Me mentioning the acronyms wouldn't be any better, I would have to then drag Eli and Andrew's mom into everything. Andrew's mom didn't even see the person's face that was at her doorway, only knew what the person said to Andrew.

My thoughts were interrupted when my dad walked into the kitchen, holding a batch of roses.

"Fresh new delivery for Rose Adams." He joked dropping them right in front of me. I got up, grabbed the roses, and then threw them harshly in the garbage across from me. Blaire has probably sent over 100 roses to me, just over the past couple of days.

My dad chuckled, "what the hell did this kid do to you?"

I sat back in my seat, ran both of my hands through my brunette hair, and let out a sigh.

"Who knows, but this kid needs to stop before I call the police. Rose, you need to start eating or at least go hangout with some friends, you're worrying me." My mom spoke walking by me and pushing my plate of food back in front of my face. I have no appetite for absolutely anything at this moment.

I feel like I still need so much more evidence in order to take this situation to the police. Maybe there's some more around his house, but I'm definitely not going back to look for it.

I felt my phone buzz, and quickly looked at it.

Nina: Group sleepover tonight?

Hanna: I'm feeling way better, I definitely want to come.

Tia: I'm not so sure about that Hanna....

Jackson: lol, I'm in

Danny: Same, I'll bring the movies.

Tia: I'll bring my pillow

Nina: me and TIA will bring snacks, right Tia?

Tia: ..........

I let out a laugh, and began to type.

Me: okay, whose house?

Danny: your's duh

Tia: ^^^^

Jackson: ^^^^^

Hanna: ^^^^^^^^

Me: are we forgetting that I live across from a psychopath?

Nina: no, but your place is still the best place to have it at. Plus we can talk about everything that happened. We just have to have weapons near us, have the doors and windows locked, say a quick prayer, and jump him if he even tries to ring the doorbell. 6 against 1.

Dark Roses #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now