Chapter 5

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Today is my fifth day at this new school, and I can honestly say the week has flown by pretty fast. At first thinking my classes were easy, the teachers finally decided to load me with homework and assignments that I of course, do not want to do. Considering that it's senior year, I should have just chosen blowoff classes to take, but I couldn't considering the fact that I want to get into Northwestern University.

Right now I am currently in AP calc with Nina, we sit right next to each other. I have no idea what the teacher is talking about since she's not writing it all out on the board.

I am a visual learner, so it kind of sucks when I have to read directions, or hear what I have to do.  I know I'm capable of getting through this class with a high B though, maybe A if I really try hard.

I looked at Nina trying to read her facial expressions to see if she knew what was going on, or if she was clueless just like me. It seemed as if she understood, but also had to be shown visually on the board how to do it.

I then looked at the clock to see what time it was, and surprisingly the bell was just about to ring in a couple of seconds. As the teacher rushed to get a few last words in that we could write down, she was interrupted by the bell and I saw a lot of faces turn into relief.

"I didn't understand that one bit," I laughed to Nina as we walked out of the classroom to head to lunch. Danny wasn't here to walk with us today because I guess he had to grab something from his locker really quickly.

"I understand how you feel, I mean it's whatever though, I'll probably just look in the math book to see if there are any pictures explaining how to do that type of problem," Nina responded. She then started to say her daily "hi"'s to people she came across in the hallway. She claims that the only friends she has are us, but I beg to differ.

When we finally arrived at the cafeteria we walked to our lunch table. Tia and Hanna went to go get lunch, while Danny and Jackson were eating the lunches they brought from home. They looked absolutely delicious.

I still think Danny's mom is a stay at home mom.

"Did your mom pack that for you?" Nina spoke sitting down across from Danny. I laughed taking a seat next to where I assumed Tia's seat was.

"Good morning to you too beautiful," he spoke taking a bite out of his mouth watering sandwich. I know it's only been a few days, but I definitely detect them liking eachother.

Nina reached into her purse pulling out money for the lunch food in the food court.

"It's the afternoon, not the morning, and it actually looks really good. You should tell her to pack me one too everyday. She loves me enough anyways," she then turned and faced me.

"You getting lunch?" Nina questioned getting up. I shook my head no.

"Eh, I'm not that hungry right now, maybe later. I had a big breakfast this morning," I spoke patting my still stuffed stomach. I swear my parents are trying to make me obese.

Nina laughed, and then went up to get lunch. She's probably going to walk back with Tia, and Hanna.

I looked at Danny and Jackson wanting to talk to them, but I saw that they were gossiping about how some girl got caught blowing a guy in the school bathroom.

That's when I heard something fall to the floor.

"Get the fuck up you freak," I heard a deep voice say. I tried looking for where I heard that voice coming from, and when I spotted who was speaking, I saw Blaire lying on the floor clutching onto his glasses.

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