Chapter 41

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It's been 7 months since the situation that has occurred between Michael, and all of us.

It hasn't been an easy 7 months, but it's been okay, I'm still surviving, and will continue to survive.

Life goes on, there's no room to stop. There's room for anyone to fix themselves and their lives, which is what we all have been doing, but there's no time to lock ourselves away into the darkness, constantly thinking about what we were put through.

I can't say I'll ever be the same. I can't say I won't be triggered by the image of blood, the sound of a loud bang, the feeling of someone getting too close to me , even though I have been through multiple sessions of therapy.

But I can say, I've made progress mentally and physically. We all have.

We're all strong, and I feel as if everything happens for a reason.

Danny and Nina decided just about a month ago to start dating, and they want to take things slow. They'll be attending the same university together majoring in criminal justice, stopping the bad guys from continuing to be bad guys.

And I'm truly excited for them.

Tia is going to a college in New York to major in fashion, and her new "boo", at least that's what she calls him, will be going with her as well. Not to exactly study the same thing, but just to be with her, and live with her down there.

I told her to call me if she needs someone to model her clothing designs for her, and of course she responded with a smile on her face:

"Hell yeah."

Hanna is going to school to be a psychopathologist. She wants to study the origin of mental illnesses, and what the causes are behind them.

Jackson, is just, Jackson.

He's going on a 6 month trip around the world to experience the greater things in life, and truly find out who he is as a person.

And I,

I'm taking a year break from going off to school. It was already so hard to finish senior year, but Northwestern promised me a spot in their medical program when I'm ready to attend. Which is an amazing thing.

Of course we're all going to continue to update each other about our lives, and hopefully, visit each other during our holiday breaks. It would be a shame if we all fell apart from one another, but I think we won't. I think that we will all forever be connected to one another forever.

This isn't a usual story, rather crazy, but, it all has a purpose.

It all has a purpose.

I let out a sigh, and finished putting my last picture on my wall into a brown moving box.

My parents decided that we were going to move back to Chicago. It took a while for my dad to find another job back home, but once he did, it was a sealed deal.

Not only will we be having another funeral for for Andrew when we get there, but one for Bella as well.

It's relieving to know the truth, to know that we're all one step closer to finding peace.

And although that peace was found here, it's not offered here.

It's hard to continue to live across the street from a house that you almost lost everything in.

A house that will now be known as the "Blaire Witch" house.

Even though it's completely remodeled, everything is cleaned up, and the house looks more beautiful than ever,

I will never be able to step another foot onto that lawn.

To think that it's even up for sale is absolutely terrifying. I want to put up a sign on the front door saying "House of a Killer's", but who knows what lands our very own houses lay on.

Who knows the secrets that lay within our very own houses, that we do not know.

Although evil things have happened in that house, miracles have to.

I will never be able to forget the angel that laid to the side of me as I laid on that floor with blood seeping through my open wounds like water.

I continue to thank God until this day, for giving me another chance.

I closed the box, and walked over to my window staring at the now well known house across from mine.

Sometimes I expect to see a light on.

Sometimes I expect to see a shadow through the window.

But I know there's nothing.

And there wont be anything for a while.

I watched as a realtor stood in front of the house smiling as a mother, father, and two twins approached her.

"Rose, are you almost finished? The moving truck is here." I heard my mom shout from downstairs.

I took my attention away from the view, and realized my dad loading boxes into the truck, along with the workers.

"Yeah, coming." I responded.

But really I wasn't. I still had more clothes to pack, more pictures to pack, more things to remember about this very own room.

This very own house.

However, I went right back to looking at the used to be haunted like home across from mine,

And the dark roses, that filled up the entire front yard of it.


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