Chapter 19

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I woke up to the sound of my parents cooking breakfast downstairs, thank God.

As I got up and began to walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth and everything else, I looked out the opened window seeing fresh snow beginning to fall. I absolutely love snow, and it always tends to bring out the inner child in me. You can have snowball fights, build a snowman, make forts, go sledding down steep hills, and make snow angels. Everything about the snow just seems so pure, so happy. Also when it starts to snow, that means the holidays are near. I think thanksgiving is in a few weeks.

A cold breeze filled my room making me shiver.

I walked over to my window to close it. I have no idea why it was opened.

Once that was over with, I looked up seeing Blaire's house. The snow completely complimented the color of the house, but also made it look even creepier. Thinking about how he watched me yesterday gave me an uneasy feeling, but then made me realize how he's probably still mad at me for what happened earlier this week. I probably should've just lied to him, even though I tried at first and he did notice, but to be honest, I'm trusting his mom on this. From what I've witnessed, Blaire is a good kid, but has a lot of difficulties.

However, I think I'll apologize to him right now for what happened- just so we can be on good terms.

I went in the bathroom to get ready, and then threw on a big sweatshirt so I could walk outside.

I exited out of my room, and went downstairs heading towards the door. Once I threw on a pair of house shoes, I began to reach towards the door before getting stopped.

"Rose where do you think you're going? Breakfast is almost ready." My mom questioned me standing in the walkway of the kitchen. I turned around and looked at her.

"I need to go apologize to Blaire really quick for something I did. I'll be fast I promise." I spoke in a begging way. My mom looked out the window seeing the snow fall, and then back at me.

"It's snowing outside, you can't just call him?" She said. I shook my head no.

"This needs to be said in person.." I continued to say. My mom let out a sigh, and put both of her hands to the side of her waist.

"Ok, go. But put on other shoes, grab a coat, hat, gloves, scarf, and another pair of socks." She spoke turning around. I let out a small laugh.

Moms will be moms.

Waiting until she left, I completely went outside how I was already dressed, and began to walk over to Blaire's house. It was chilly outside, maybe I should have listened.

I felt the snow crunch beneath my feet until I finally reached his house.

I began to get nervous.

What if talking to him puts him into a huge fit again?

I reached for the doorbell, and pressed on it. I heard the sound of the ring echo throughout his house. Within a matter of seconds of me shivering, the door finally opened.

As Blaire opened the door, the light opera music playing in his house began to flood out of it. I think one of the main questions I have to ask him is why does he always listen to opera music. Maybe it calms him down, or maybe his mom plays it all the time.

I looked into Blaire's sharp blue eyes, that suddenly turned into happiness.

"Rose, hello, come inside." He spoke with a smile on his face. I gave a slight smile back at him.

"I'll pass this time, I just want to make this quick, thanks for offering though. My parents are almost done cooking breakfast."

I saw the happiness in his eyes begin to fade away.

Silence filled the air.

"I just wanted to say sorry, for everything. I was just.....I didn't know. Some of the stuff your mom was saying just, scared me. Especially what I saw, twice. I know I said I wouldn't let your illnesses get in between our friendship, but Blaire, what if you get upset again and lash out on me...or someone else? I'm not terrified of this you, I'm terrified of the other you." I spoke digging my hands into my pocket. They were freezing.

Blaire let out a small chuckle, and looked at me.

"I don't blame you, it's pretty fucked up. I wish I could be different Rose, but I'm not. That's why people......accuse me for a lot of things. I was hoping you could see past what I tried to keep hidden from you, but if you can't, it's okay." He finished almost starting to close the door, but I stopped it with my hand.

I had complete sympathy for him.

I know how he feels, I know the situation he's in.

Flashbacks occurred in my head.

"Blaire....wait." I spoke.

He looked at me with his piercing blue eyes.

"I promise I can look past everything. Forgive me, please. I would still like to be friends...only if you want to...only if you promise to not hurt me during one of your moments," I could feel my lips freezing up.

I saw his eyes widen with excitement.

"I promise Rose, I would never hurt you.......Thank you."

"No problem Blaire." I said back happily. At least now I don't feel bad. The only thing that could ruin this moment is his mom walking out of nowhere yelling at me for continuing to talk to Blaire.

Speaking of his mom, where is she? I haven't seen her in a while.

I peaked inside Blaire's house a little bit trying to see if I could spot any sign of her. There was a fresh bag of groceries on the table, so she must be home.

"Is your mom home?" I questioned curiously. I wonder why she hasn't came to the front door by now and slammed it in my face.

I noticed Blaire close the door a little bit.

"Um, no, she actually left to go on vacation.." He spoke looking behind him, and then back at me.

I made an "oh" face, and nodded my head. She probably went grocery shopping before hand, or maybe Blaire went all by himself.

The sound of my dad calling my name made me realize how hungry I am. How long have I been over here for?

"Well, I better're welcomed to come over for breakfast if you want?" I said starting to move backwards. Blaire smiled.

"No thank you, I already ate. That's very kind of you to ask me that though."

I smiled back at Blaire.

"Any time, we can hangout soon.......bye."

"Goodbye Rose."

With that, I turned around and began to walk away.

Not only did I have the feeling my parents eyes on me as I walked towards them, but Blaire's eyes too as I walked away.

Dark Roses #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now