Chapter 7

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The weekend passed by pretty fast, and I can honestly say I had a great time Saturday, well, besides the power outage part. But luckily when the pizza arrived it was still hot, and we no longer had hungry stomachs. However, Tia was right when she mentioned how Jackson would try to eat most of the pizza. We had to stop him on his 8th slice, luckily the extra large was really big unlike some pizza places I know.

Today was a fresh new week of studying, quizzes, tests, projects, and homework. I doubt my teachers will continue to go easy on me during class, this will be my second week of school.

Like always, I was in AP Calc sitting right next to Nina waiting for the bell to ring. Not only do I actually hate this class, but I hate the teacher as well. She's a nice and sweet person but honestly, just not teacher material. The only benefits of being in this class are having Nina in it, and this cute guy I've been keeping my eye on since my first day being in here.

He's tall, has brown eyes, dirty blonde hair, and I think his name is Eli.

After a few more dreadful minutes went by, the bell finally rung, and Nina and I packed up our stuff and went out of the door. Danny walked from around the corner to catch up with us.

"Hola friends," he smiled walking to the side of Nina. Nina jockingly rolled her eyes, and I chuckled.

"Do you not know enough Spanish to say 'friends' in spanish?" Nina spoke sarcastically to Danny. I knew their way of speaking to each other was how they joked around with one another.

"Sorry I'm not in AP spanish," he laughed running a hand through his perfect hair. Nina snorted.

"Um you don't have to be in AP spanish to know how to say 'friends' in spanish, I'm pretty sure they say it a lot in the t.v show Dora."

"You have to admit Dora's outfits are pretty fire though." Danny responded jokingly.

"I would totally buy boot's boots. I wonder what the name for them are," I added in.

"The fubu 1990's" Nina spoke making me laugh so hard in the hallway, I'm pretty sure everyone stopped and stared at me to see if I was okay. I wasn't the only one laughing though, Danny and Nina were cracking up too. It seemed like the harder I laughed, the hardest they would laugh.

We finally arrived at the cafeteria and of course, we saw Tia arguing with Jackson about something while Hanna went up to get lunch.

When we got to the table we sat in our original seats, and listened in on the conversation.

"Justin Bieber is gay!"

"No he is not, you're gay!"

"Hey, the only guy I would be gay for is Bill Gates, and we all know the reason for why that would be," Jackson finished. We all chuckled. While their conversation went on however, Blaire walked right past me clutching onto his notebook. A nice idea came across my mind.

"Blaire, Hey" I spoke loudly enough for him to hear. I was standing up sort of in my chair so that way Blaire could automatically recognize who the voice was coming from.

It's like he didn't have to though.

He turned around, looked at me, and smiled.

I quickly got out of my seat having everyone at my table look at me like I was crazy, and walked over to Blaire keeping my hands in my back pockets.

"How was your weekend?" I questioned staring into his piercing blue eyes. It's hard to look away from them once you stare into them. I've never seen eyes so beautiful before.

Blaire clenched tighter onto his notebook.

"It was great, really great," he lied. I hope he didn't get picked on this weekend by anyone, he doesn't deserve it.

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