Chapter 11

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Another week has passed by, and now it was Saturday. My parents and I got back home from Illinois Tuesday, and I went to school the remaining of the week. Of course I have a lot of homework to make up, but that isn't a problem considering the fact most of my teachers are allowing me to turn stuff in until the end of this month. The only problem I have now, are the words Mrs.Williams spoke to me at the end of  the funeral.

Really understand someone's evilness

Is what she thinks the young man said to Andrew. What could that possibly mean, and why say it to Andrew? How did the person even know Andrew's name? Did Andrew have any enemies that were out to get him? There are so many questions that still have yet to be answered.

The truth will one day be revealed though.

Right now, I am hanging out with Blaire in my kitchen. I saw him at school Wednesday and realized that he was feeling better, so I invited him to hangout with me today. My parents were okay with it, to be honest. I introduced them to Blaire and at first it was awkward, but everything went okay. I'm 100% sure they know the rumors about him, and this house. I wonder why they've never even talked to me about it, or why they didn't care about who lived in this house before, and who lived across the street.

I am currently toasting a bagel for myself, and Blaire is sitting on a stool by the island watching me with a smile on his face, I looked at him with a smile on my face as well.

"What?" I questioned letting out a laugh. He turned his head blushing and laughing, and then looked back at me with his piercing blue eyes.

"Nothing..I just haven't seen you in so long." He spoke.

"I can say the same back to you, what were you sick with?" I questioned turning around to check on my bagel. It was the perfect toasted color. I popped it out and then spread some Nutella on it, and put banana pieces I chopped up earlier to put on top.

"Sick?" He questioned acting like he had no idea what I was talking about.

"Yeah, that's what your mom told me." I said putting a banana piece in my mouth.

"Want some?" I said holding out the other half of my bagel. He shook his head no.

"Oh yeah, I had a stomach virus. It only lasted a few days but my mom wanted to keep me inside of the house longer," he responded starting to twist and turn on the stool.

He did a full turn on the stool, and then stopped and looked at me, "What about you?"

I finished chewing the bite I just took from my bagel, swallowed it, and then looked at him.

"Um, funeral." I said looking at the ground now. There was silence in the room now.

"Oh, wow, I'm sorry." Blaire responded sympathetically. I shook my head.

"No, it's okay, I just wish I could have done something about it." I wasn't there to save him. No one was.

I didn't finish my sentence. But looked up at Blaire, his facial expression changed into being somewhat dark.

"Suicide sucks." He said. He then began to start to twist and turn on the stool again. I looked at him curiously.

"Suicide?" I questioned. I never said anything about suicide to him.

"Yeah." He said doing a full turn in the stool.

"I never said he committed suicide." I spoke confusingly. He stopped and looked at me, his normal facial expression was back.

"You said 'I just wish I could have done something about it', doesn't that mean suicide?"

Not necessarily.

"I mean, I guess it could be. But, it could mean anything." I responded back to him. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I've been to enough funerals and experienced enough deaths to recognize in people's voices and statements what happened to the deceased."

I sort of just stood there zoning out. I wanted to ask if Allison's was one of them, but I realized how offensive that could come out.

"Blaire, the last time you were over here, did you accidentally grab a photo from the box I had in my room? And, what's up with your mom, it seems like she doesn't want us to talk to eachothe-"

I looked up wanting to make eye contact with Blaire,

only to see that he wasn't there.

Here goes another creepy game of hide and seek. I quickly took a bite out of my bagel and set it down.

"Blaire?" I questioned still chewing the bagel piece. I walked out of the kitchen, and started to look around my house. I couldn't find him anywhere.

"Blaire where are you?" I spoke more loudly, and agitated. I went again to the front of my house, and stared out the window looking at his.

I began to turn around, and screamed once I saw the figure so close in front of me.

"Shit Blaire! You scared me!" I spoke holding my right hand over my chest. I almost had a heart attack.

Blaire laughed.

"I'm sorry Rose, I had to use the bathroom." He said beginning to turn around to walk back into the kitchen. I followed after him confused.

"How did you find it?" I questioned walking back to my nutella and banana bagel. He sat on the stool again.

"Allison used to live here, she used to tutor me for math.I would come here all of the time, but I used the one in your room since it has the cool window on top of it." He spoke in a, somewhat sad tone in the middle of his sentence.

There's so many questions I have for Blaire, but now would be an inappropriate time to ask him. Plus, I don't feel comfortable asking them right now.

"You should've told me, and are you sure you don't want anything to eat?" I asked finishing my bagel. It was delicious, but I felt as if I was being rude for eating in front of him.

He smiled.

"No thank you. I should probably get going actually." He said starting to get out of the stool.

I walked with him to the front of my house. He put on his shoes, and then opened the door.

"Bye Rose, thank you for wanting to hangout with me today."

"No problem." I smiled at him. He smiled back and began to walk out of the door, but then he turned around and looked at me.

"The flowers look absolutely beautiful in your room, I'm glad you liked them. I hand picked them, I always do."

I wanted to question him about the photo in my room and about his mom since he disappeared before I could, but I decided against it. Apart of me just wanted him to leave.

"I'm glad you gave me them." I responded back. Of course I didn't throw them out when his mom told me to, they're too beautiful.

He smiled and we both said goodbye to each other once again. Once I saw him reach his house, I closed and locked the door.

I didn't appreciate how he wandered off around my house without telling me. Although he needed to use the bathroom, he could've used the one downstairs instead of going to the one in my room.

It's doesn't matter if it has a cool window in it or not.

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