Chapter 6

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Today is Saturday, and I guess everyone is planning on sleeping over at my house today. At first my parents said no to only the guys sleeping over, but then I mentioned how there's only two guys, Danny being one of them, and we would all be downstairs in the family room. They could check on us whenever, and they know that they can trust me. After giving them a couple of minutes to decide, they called me back into their room saying yes.

I don't know how I bonded so quickly with everyone considering the fact that this is my first week of school, but I did, and I'm thankful. I think everyone will be coming around 5pm-ish today. Danny's going to come over a bit earlier though so we can go to the grocery store to get snacks for today. Other than that though, we'll order a pizza, watch some movies, and eat ice cream. It should be a nice cool chill day.

It was around 3 when Danny came over, and we were currently on our way to the store. Although I really wanted the topic of Blaire to be ignored today, I knew it couldn't. I just have so many questions to ask.

"You never told me Blaire lived right across the street from us," I said looking at him and then back at the road. I was the one driving this time.

"I know, I was trying to forget," he responded looking out the window at the mountains.

"Well I mean, all of this time you could've actually gotten to know the kid. He actually seems nice, but I get what everyone means by saying he's weird." I didn't want to mention how I went over to his house yesterday.

Danny looked at me.

"Can we just stop talking about this, And where's the music at?" Danny laughed at the end pressing the power button for the music in my car. He flipped through a lot of awful country radio stations before getting to a rap and hip hop radio station.

"This is what I'm talking about," Danny spoke starting to bump his head to the beat. Some song by Kendrick Lamar was on, and Danny was actually rapping along to the lyrics.

I laughed, I'm surprised.

We finally arrived at the grocery store and winded up buying a lot of snacks, mostly junk food, and scary movies. The total came up to being over $50 but it was okay though, my parents gave us $100 to spend on whatever we want.

I just want to make this night fun.

When we got back to my place and set everything up it was close to 5 o'clock.

Everyone should be coming soon.

Out of nowhere the doorbell rang, and I suspected it to be one of my guests, so I went to go open it. When I opened the door, there stood Tia with a superman blanket, superman pillow, and she was already in her pajamas.

"I'm ready to eat," she spoke coming inside and dropping her stuff right on the ground. I laughed.

"Hello Tia" I spoke closing the door. I quickly grabbed her stuff and brought it into the family room. When I was finished, I went into the kitchen seeing Tia and Danny eating chips and making cookies. They were gossiping about the new Purge movie that just came out.

"Totally better than all of them combined" Danny laughed putting the cookies in the oven. I hope this kid knows how to work the oven.

"You know that you're absolutely WRONG, the second movie in any movie series is always the best" Tia responded stuffing Doritos in her mouth.

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