Chapter 4= Like A Love Song

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(Edited. Just realized how cringy this is. Why'd you like this again?)

DONUT PLAY Song ((HeHeHe Donuts))
Jess' POV

I choose Jin! I Love Jin More than Having the whole school in the palm of my hand...
"Okay Jess... It's time to go to be-" I started.
Then I hear a sound. I then hear it again... I then see a rock get thrown at the window and then fall next to the other 2 rocks... I Open the Window and I walk on the balcony.
"Hello! Hello! Hello!He-Agh!" I said.
I trip over my own feet and fall out of the window. AHHH! I'M GOING TO BREAK MY NECK AHHH! Wait...
I look up to see a familiar Face... Jin's. The weird thing was that we weren't on the ground... I then noticed that Jin was on a White Horse... HOW? Then I noticed his hair was done and he had a Tuxedo On.What is he doing? He got off the horse, still carrying me... And then he put me down...I'm So glad I was going to sleep in my one and only good sleeping dress (not gown). It's a dress since I'm just sleeping in My Favorite Dress...Jin then pulled out a guitar out of no where and then he sang.

"🎵It's been said and done... Every beautiful thoughts been already sung and u guess right now is another one so this melody will play on and on... With the best of them you are beautiful like a dream come alive... Incredible A centerfold miracle lyrical you saved my life again and I want you to know Baby... Ah I Love you like a Love song baby... Ah I love you like a love song baby... Ah I love you like a LOVE song baby... And I keep hitting repeat-peat-peat yeah.🎵" Jin sang.
"🎵No One Compares You stand Alone... To every record I own... A beat to my heart... That's what you are... A song that goes on and on...🎵" I sang.
"🎵Ah I love you like a love song baby Ah I love you like a love song baby Ah I love you like a Love So Baby... Ah I Love You Like A Love Song...🎵" we both sang
"Jin I want to ask..." I started.
"Ya wanna go to the dance together?"We both asked.
"Yeah... And Uh Do you want to go on a Date Sometime?" We both asked.
"Yeah... I'd Like That" We both answered.
"So Uh How about we go on a date" Jin asked.
"Tomorrow at 5:00 pm at Silver Diner." I answered.
"And After We'll go shopping for The dance stuff at Bronze-o Mall?" Jin asked.
"Yeah Jin?"
He then pulls me in for a long...Deep Kiss... He puts his Arms around my waist and I put my arms around his neck... It was a Magical Kiss...
"Jess Be Mine Please?"
"I'll Be yours if you can prove to me  that you're good enough... I know you are but... The Girls will make you do 'trial' to see if you're good enough for me... They should know you are though"
"Okay... I'll see you at school... Bye My L-Lovely Angel Of Beauty..."
"Bye Hun- I Mean Uh Jin...for now."
He then lifts me up onto the balcony and he gets on his horse. Our hands we holding each others hand. We let go knowing that we'd be able to hold each others hands again soon. I open my hand to see his phone number on it. I go inside, close the window, and sigh...
"Who was Mr Lover Boy who Swept you off your feet?" Someone asked.
"Ha Now Seriously Who" Alesa asked.
"Why do you want to know?"
"So we can test him... Is it Jin?" Shelby asked.
"Shelby! Don't be Stupid! We all know that Jin can't become Romeo in 15 hours! It's not possible." Natalie said, slightly punching Shelby in the arm.
"Who was he..." Shelby asked.
"I-I dunno... He was wearing a mask and uh yeah and a cape..." I lied.
I didn't want to lie but they are all Nosey friends...
"Okay... It's 6:00 so we should get ready for school." Natalie said changing the subject.
Adam's POV!!!
Adam:JIN WAKE UP IT'S 6:30!!!
Jin:Ah Good Morning...
Adam: SomeThings Wrong with you... You aren't like 'AH I'M A TYPICAL NERD SO I CANT SLEEP IN AHH!' And I didn't hear a keyboard or fire burning so you didn't do your Science? Since you bring it with you everywhere.
Jin:I fell in Love...
Adam:We already know that! NOW COME ON! We only have 45 minutes.
45 Minutes Later Cause I'm lazy...
Jin:I've gotta go...
5 minutes later...
Adam:Uh May We go to the bathroom Savannah?
Savannah:It's Ms O to you! And Yes!
I then run out of the room. I wasn't watching where I was going and... Wham! I run into someone.
???:Wow! Sorry Adam! I'm looking for Jess.
Adam:Sorry Alesa- Wait! I'm looking for Jin.
We then here lots of giggling from a voice we all knew too well... Jess.
We walk to where the giggles are and we see Jin leaning up against his locker and Jess standing next to him. He's Acting like and Idiot which made Jess laugh. Jess then Playfully Punches Jin's Arm. He then opens his locker and pulls out purple lilacs.
Jess:Awe! Jin! You shouldn't have!
Jin:But I could of and I did.
She then hugs Jin and goes to the bathroom.
Jin:Ahh! Hey Ad The Rad!
Alesa:What did you do to Jess?
Jin:Ya know, the usual, by riding a horse to her house, throwing pebbles at her window till she came, caught her when she fell off the balcony, sang a love song, get to go to the dance AND go on a date with her...
EveryOne Else :•___•
Soon the whole school was staring at us.
Adam:No Wonder you were All Happy instead of Grumpy and you weren't trying to burn a keyboard or write an essay about 3 million ways to to annoy your friends. Number 1, NOT LETTING THEM SLEEP...
Jin:Yeh, I went Romeo, why're you mad?
Jin:No... She told me th-
Then Some guy walked up and punched Jin in the face. Len! He is Deanna's Twin Brother
Len: Don't Talk Or Look at Jess! She is mine.
Jin:Uh No offense dude but she acts like she likes me more than you a- Ow!
Why did Jess react so ma- wait! Jin's Nose is bleeding? Geez Len can throw a punch!
Adam:Len did!
Len:H-He tried to hurt me and uh he told a lie and I proved him wrong.
Jess:What's the Lie?
Len:That you were his not mine.
Jess:Well he isn't lying...
Jess:Yeah...Uh we Uh Are... DATING!
Jess' POV
WHY'D I SAY 'OH YEAH WE ARE DATING'? I mean I want to date him but.... The girls.
Jess:Hey!THAT IS LIKE THE RUDEST THING TO SAY! If you want a girls heart ya don't tell her boyfriend that he's a freak and then punch him! That's wrong! Now leave!
I then walked up to Jin and I hugged him.
Jess:I'll take you to the nurses...
When There
I waited outside of the nurses office.
Nurse:Okay Sweet-Cheeks here is this boy... His nose is broken so he has to wear a nose cast for a month...
The Nurse Leaves...
Jin:I look stupid with this nose cast on.
Jess:Well... To make you feel better here.
I then peck his cheek and I grab a mask I accidentally left in my bag from last years Halloween party. I put it on him. I then grab the matching cape and I put it on him...
Jess:See you for Lunch...
Jin:See ya...
I then head for my third class...
Jin's POV~~~
I am wearing a mask and a cape TO school IN school and I am about to enter my 3rd period... Math, I enter it.
Ross:What are you wearing?
Jin:SomeThing better than what I Was wearing.
I was wearing a nose cast but now I am wearing this.
Teacher:Hello Class, My Name Is MR PEEEEWWWWWDIEPIE! Now uh you can sit now...
Barney: You's Don't's cares that he is wearings a silly's outfits? And Aren't's you a students?
PewDiePie:Yeah But Imma teacher 2 deal with it and Nope... In This Class ANY-THING CAN HAPPEN CAUSE I DON'T CARE! SAME WITH MY GOOD OL FRIENDS Mark and Jack...
I sat next to Barney and Ross. Adam was up front for some reason.
PewDiePie:Now, Adam, continue your lesson for today.
Oh God....
Temmie Skip!
Adam:---And That's why I believe everyone should call Gold, BUDDER!
Kid:But wouldn't Butter and Budder get mixed Up?
Adam:*Death Glares Him* No Never!
PewDiePie:Okay Class... Class Dismissed!PEEEEWWWWWDIEPIE OUT!
Then Mr PewDiePie ran out of class.
Jin:Okay that was weird...
Ross: Yeah we have a messed up Math Class.
Jin:Wait this was math? We learnt nothing but How Adam calls Gold Budder,which we already knew.
Barney:Ohs Wells... My Next Classes afters lunch is Physicals Educations.
Adam:Okay! For Now it's Lunch!!!
Jin:O-Okay? I'm heading to lunch now.
1542 Words! Okay, I know I added a lot of JinMauand SkyLesa but I promise I'm getting to Barnica, then after I'll do Rossby... For Now take care, Bai!!!!!