Chapter 36= Ball Of Blue And The Return Of The Memory

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  (Super long rant at the end on why I haven't been updating)
Jess' POV

As soon as I finished screaming... I realized something. I told him.
Out of nowhere I got a flashback
I was trying to do a cover video of the video "Soap" by Melanie Martinez. (I put soup. Now I gotta wash my mouth out with (CHICKEN NOODLE) soup)

"SHOULD'VE NEVER SAID THE WORD LOVE," 12 year old me screamed. The video showed me with cuts on my arms even though it was just marker. Skip to the next scene of a bathroom. "THREW THE TOASTER IN THE BATHTUB.!"
Next it showed me throwing a toaster but it hit the ceiling and smashed the lightbulb.
"JESSICA! I'M TELLING MOM!" My little sister Ashley screamed.
-end of flashback-

"JESS! Did... Did you actually not wanna date me way back when?" Jin asked. "Well. I mean. Kinda. I never actually knew who you were until way back when. I only knew of you as the black haired boy who is friends with the crazy drama king who wears too much hair gel. But then I met the real you so kind and thoughtful. Well... It was the real you. Now the real you is a heartless jerk who doesn't care about anything."

Max's POV

We knew which way we were gonna do. "NEITHER!" Wendy screamed. Wha? "Wendy. Think logically." I said.
"No. I mean neither as in both, ya know. If we prove our friendship an have an adulthood nothing can go wrong." Wendy replied. Harriet face-palmed. "Oh you poor poor children. Here, I'll solve this." She grabbed a weird object and asked a mirror, "c-can I used this?"
Why would she—
"I dunno what is it?"
"It's a ball.... Of blue..." Harriet described. 10 outta 10. Perfecto.
"Fine. It's most likely not worth anything." The mirror finished.
   Harriet grabbed the ball of blue and ripped it in half, SMASHED it on our heads, and shoved sandwiches down our throats.
     Wendy swallowed the sandwich WHOLE with no extra bites. "Mhmm. I LOVE OUTELLA (Nutella, anyone?)!" She screamed.
     I slowly ate the sandwich and replied, "H-How? One bi- what? How're you so? Gsifkfb... Words Not working for mouth."
"More!" Wendy screamed as two more sandwiches were swallowed by us.
   "Now be off with you." Harriet said.
"What do you mean? This place has... No.... Doors......" I asked right before falling to the floor with Wendy passed out next to me. My eyes slightly flickered shut, and then fully closed, without opening.

Alesa's POV

   "JESSI! Why." Shelby screamed. "PHHT, it's good she's gone. I never liked Jess or Jin anyways." Adam who thinks he's Caden aka Cadam said. I JUST HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!
I walked over to him and slapped his face so hard he fell to the ground.
"Alesa! Why did you do that? He could've died!" Zyan screamed.
"Brain coma thing! Brain damage!"
"Phht, I mean I'm strong but I'm not THAT strong.... Unless you say I am." I mumbled the last part, but everyone heard me.
"Okay, now you're just tooting your own horn buddo." Ross stated.
"Oh shut up Ross. Also buddo?" Natalie asked.
"Buddo is the fusion of bucko and buddy." Ross stated.
"We!" Shelby started to sing. Oh no. Oh god no. Oh he—
"Are the–" Ross and Barney sang.
"CRYSTAL GEMS!" Adam screamed. Wha? How does he rememb— MY PUNCH!

Jin's POV
Ugh. Jess is so annoying. "I CAN SWEAR, I CAN JOKE, I SAY WHATS ON MY MIND, IF I DRINK, IF I SMOKE I KEEP UP WITH THE—" "OH MY SHUT UP WOMAN!" I scream cutting her off.
"I'm just singing pretty girl by Maggie something...." Jess mumbled. I was about to retort when I saw what was under us. "J-JESS!" I screamed. She suddenly squealed in fear as she saw the white void under us. When the white void was both under and above us I smelt the faintly vague smell of pastries and smoke. "Jin. I'm not feeling so good." Jess mumbled. I recognized the faint area below us. I gasped, "OH NO. NOT MYSTREET!"

Wendy's POV
Ugh. Why am I knocked out? I either got r— that or I'm dead. AM I DEAD? AM I IN HEAVEN? Wait, Max is here. Nope their is no way I'm in heaven if he's here.
I looked around and saw a neighborhood. Where are we? I walked eight feet or so and saw a sign. "Wendy. What are we doing here? Where are we! AGH. WERE GONNA DIE WITHOUT MAKING A TRACE IN THIS WORLD." Max screamed. Okay I don't know why I was interested in him— I mean. Not like I was or anything but he's just uh INSANE that's it. Yeah. Yeah. That's it.
I walked up to him and slapped him across the face knocking him back to the floor. "O-Ow! Why'd you do that?" He questioned.
"Look, bro, I don't think you realized this so I'll tell you," I started, "but... THE WHOLE FRICKING NEIGHBOR HOOD CARE HEAR YOU RIGHT NOW SO SHUT THE FRICK UP OR I'LL MAKE YOU!" I slapped him again and a blue haired girl immediately said, "Yup, she's my new bestie. Sorry Nicole but she's my new bestie." And a red haired girl frowned.
"Wh-Where A-Are W-W-We?" Max stuttered. I dragged him to the sign. "MyStreet, Huh? MyStreet. I wonder which high school is around here." Max asked.
"Phoenix Drop," A man with black hair and black eyes stated, "Phoenix Drop High School."

Sorry for hiatus. I've been really uninspired lately and well I won't be updating in a while (no surprise there) and sorry the editing is a bit..... Slow (SLOW AS HE—) [Stopped there, keeping it PG... Even though no one reads these.... EVER.] I'm also the laziest person in the UNIVERSE (heh. The Stev—) Anyways I just wanna say, I appreciate you guys for still reading. My biggest supporter (Who I made a character in the book based off of her) stopped reading my book and that makes me / my book (if it had emotions) feel unwanted. Anyways, I know no one reads this. Also the devil is coming to visit me on June 16th until June 22nd.... So super. Okay this is long. Bai. I love (most of) you.