Chapter 33= Extreme Brain Farts And A Forgotten Magical Orange

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           Adam's POV
   It's been exactly a day since.... (Last chapter)— the incident and how Jin Red and Midnight ditched us and Ryan is a jerk and Zyan is an idiot who is Jin 2.0 that doesn't like Jess.
    So the ROSSUME TEAM has the hot, cool and amazing Adam, Alesa, Max, Wendy, Jess, Zyan, Ross, Shelby, Barney and Natalie. Midnight WOULD have been in the ROSSUME TEAM but isn't cause she ditched us, like how ru—
    "Woah!" Alesa said in awe snapping me back to reality. She was looking at a wall covered in moss. It had an opening for a circular object and four hand places for four hands. Why four? Is it like two important people? Or is it four important-ish people? Why only four? There's like ten of us.
     "Ooh a button...." Shelby started before Ross screamed. "I'M GONNA PRESS IT!" And he ran up to the button and pressed it.
    Nothing happened..... Until the floor started to lower and the roof(?) above us started to crumble and fall. I saw Wendy almost get smashed until Max shoved her and got smashed instead. Then Alesa, Zyan, and Ross got smashed by rocks.

    "ADAM LOOK OUT!" Jess screamed. I looked up but I was too late. Everything went black.

   Jess' POV

"ADAM LOOK OUT!" I screamed. He looked up and a giant boulder— bigger than Ross', Zyan's, Alesa's and Max's— smashed his FACE.
    After the storm of boulders ended I looked and saw Shelby hugging me, Wendy buried in smash rocks by Max, Natalie huddled in a corner, Barney behind Ross' Rock, Alesa and Zyan buried in boulders, and Adam well....
    "Adam wake up. Stop playing dead!" I joked. Me, Shelby, Wendy, Natalie, and Barney stood up. We all first helped Ross, then Max, then Alesa, and then Adam.
     "Dude Adam isn't waking up!" Nat spoke. I put my hand on his shoulder and shook him. He actually woke up.
     "Wha? What am I doing here? Who are you?" Adam asked. Uh–Oh. "ROSSUME TEAM huddle!" Ross called. We got in a huddle, "D-Did Adam lose his memory?" Alesa asked.
     "Whelp. It's back to Lucinda's we go!"  Ross screamed until I said, "We can't go back! Lucinda told me, before we left, that that was our last time asking for favors since we blew up part of her house even though Ryan did that. So basically the ROSSUME TEAM is banned from ANY witch or wizard now."
    "Well how do we fix this?" Natalie asked. "I know..." Barney spoke WITH NO ACCENT OR S WHATSO EVER!
    "Wait. Aren't you like forced to speak with an S at the end of most words or something? So why aren't you....?" I asked.
   "I lied. I can talk without S' at the end and.... Uh... Yeah. That's my biggest secret. No more. Just that."
    I feel like he's lying but I can't be sure. "Oh and— I know.... I read this book once about how your memory works. It said 'If a loved one lost his/her memory then what you do is slowly drag their memory back. If you rush it, their brain will explode'. So uh. How do we bring it back slowly?" Barney asked until Ross ran in.
    "So this Adam guy likes to eat gold and likes to stand on yellow apples? And who is Yu? Cause you said Yu is Adam. Which one of you is Yu or Yuki?" Adam looked at me, "Ahh. There you are Yuki. So your name is Adam?" He asked me.
     "No–" I started before Ross screamed, "YES! YES SHE IS ADAM AND YUKI!"
    "So you're Yuki? I've heard so much as in nothing about you." Adam said as he kissed my hand. Why is every guy falling for me? I mean. Jin did..... Max did and Adam did. Plus Jason— Uhh. Let's not talk about Jason.
    "Wha? NO— FINE. I am... Yuki... But I'm not Adam. Ross is Adam!" I said.
    "Wha...?" Ross asked. Yup. If I'm going down. He's going down with me.
    "And your name is....?" I asked to Ad– the memory lost guy... "MY NAME IS CADEN!!! AND WE ARE THE ADVENTURERS OF THIS LONG ABANDONED TWIST AND TURNS OF THIS THING CALLED LIFE! Now where is the pendant of secrets? Ah here it is!" Ad—Caden... Let's say Cadam said. Let's call Ross Rodum and Jess (as in me) is Yuss.
Cadam went up to Wendy and took a bright orange object out of Wendy's bag— Wha???? Is that an Orange? IS THAT DONALD TRUMPS GRANDSON?
    "Is that a....?" I ask fe before Cadam cut me off. "A WATERMEL'N! Perfect. All I need to do is slice this Watermel'n into 8ths and have all 8 of us eat it!"
    So Cadam has no brain and can't count? "Sooo. How long have ya had this Rotten Orange in your bag?" Rodum asked Wendy.
     "Oh yeah. I forgot I had a magical orange. Give it to me!" Wendy said as she took it from Rodum and walked over by Max. "Aww Man! I wish I told you about this earlier! It would've been Sooo COOL!" Wendy 'wished' as she and Max poof-ed away.
     "Wait! WENDY MAX!" I screamed. They're GONE! "Man it's good they're gone. Mackenzie and Wendell were extremely annoying." Cadam said. It's not Adam, Jess. Don't lose your temper Jess. CALM DOWN JESS!!!!
     Okay I'm calm. BUT CADAM IS REALLY ANNOYING.... Even more than Ross! 
    "Whelp I better get some shuteye!" Cadam said. "But it's 3 pm?" Alesa asked. "Exactly." Cadam said before fainting into a deep sleep.
    Max's POV
  I woke up to Wendy screaming. "WHATS HAPPENED! WHERE AM I! WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?" She screamed.
    "Shut up Wendy!" I yelled. "I can't! It's just that what if no one finds us?" She screamed in... Fear?
   "You have me. And I have you. We'll have each other until they come." I reassured her.
   "Yeah," She started,"Everything's going to be Okay."