Chapter 29= The Meaning Of Friend-Ship

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P.S I might not be able to post as often cause school starts soon (not like I posted often anyways)

Adam's POV!!!
   "SOPHIA! SOPHIA! SOPHIE!" I called. Okay here we have Me (Adam), Alesa,Shelby,Barney,Natalie,And Ross. We are looking for Jess, Jin, Red, Max, and Wendy... Oh and Sophia. "Where is that stupid Barbie doll type girl!" Shelby mumbled. Only I heard, though.
I walk back to Shelby and now Barney and Natalie were 'talking' *ahem ahem flirting ahem* quietly to each other.
"Hey Shelb's, Wanna Talk?" I whispered to her. "Yeah..." Shelby spoke. "OKAY PEOPLE! WE'RE GONNA TAKE A 5 MINUTE BREAK! SO DON'T GET FAT ON ME!" I screamed. We all sat down.
"Adam, look at me. Then look at your friends..." Shelby started. ((Want a little Adam X Shelby?)) I did as she told. I looked into her eyes and then I looked at my friends. "Look at Ross. He is like SO happy to be having this great of friends...He's so happy that it kinda looks like he had a really hard time with friends..."She continued.
Ross was balancing a bowling pin on his head... How'd he get that? He was trying to make Alesa laugh. But Alesa wasn't.
Shelby then pointed to Natalie and John. Natalie was punching a tree since John was stuck in the tree.
"Now look at Barney, he's stuck in that tree right now. Do you know why? Well, he's stuck there since he wanted and Apple, no matter the costs, he was going to get that Apple. Wanna know what that's called?Determination. Barney's the Determined type of person that isn't afraid of much. One thing he isn't afraid of is bullying. Why do you think he talks like that. He didn't originally speak like that until he met people for the first time ever. He talks like that so he can prove that, no matter how weird you can be, you don't have to feel sorry for it."
"BARNEY! Get down here!" Natalie screeched. "NEVER'S!!!" John yells. I smiled. They really are the cutest couple ever. Well, besides Alesa and I, of course.
"Natalie,Natalie is the type of person who is usually known as the 'perfect pretty popular girl',and that's totally stereotypical,even though she isn't the perfect girl.That says that Natalie,even though everyone wants to be proud of her for being perfect,has and is going to make everyone around her proud of her."
Shelby then pointed to me. I stared at her while her finger was in my face. "You, you're the guy that try's to be the best, or well, that's what everyone thinks you do. You don't need to work for money, friends, coolness, or quote unquote 'handsomeness'. But you try to anyways. You don't need to protect yourself, you have like 14 slaves just to guard you, but you choose to put your life up against others, especially loved ones. You choose to fight for what's right even if your target is bigger or better than you, that's something called bravery."
Shelby lastly pointed to my vision of beauty, Alesa. Alesa was staring at her hands while sitting alone on the floor.
"And that, that's Alesa, your vision of beauty. She is smart and kind and beautiful, not in that way. She loves everyone until you hurt her friends. She also likes playing hard-to-get. Alesa cares a lot for people. Even if she doesn't know them that well, she'll still put trust in anyone. She also believes that everyone is a beautiful creature. She doesn't care if you've done something wrong. All she cares about is if you can make a change. And you know your 'vision-of-beauty'. She's alone all sad, go talk to her." Shelby spoke.
"But I need to figure out what's wrong with you--" I spoke before getting cut off. "Nah, come back to me when you need a Good Ol Friend to talk to. For now. Imma take a break." Shelby spoke.
I then walked up to Alesa. "Hello, my vision of beauty." I spoke in my most silly Casanova voice. But she just turned away. "Okay, Ali, what's wrong?" I asked her.
   "I-It's just, what if we don't find Jess Jin Max Red and Wendy again? What if they all die before we get there? What if--" Alesa spoke before I cut her off. "
  "Heheh. Man I hate 'What-If's'. Any ways, none of that'll happen. And if it does happen, well, they better be missing the Radical Ross, The Amazing Alesa, The Super Shelby, The Nice-ish Natalie, and The Bonkers Barney!" I cheered.
   "What about you?" Alesa asked.
"Me?" I asked. "Your nickname." "OH! Yeah I'm Awesome Adam!" I say as confident as I could while pointing to my chest. Alesa then laughs. "What's so funny?" I ask.
   "How you actually think that you are Awesome!" Alesa says in between laughs.
I frown,"Oh Lesa, I know you love me!" Alesa's laughing face turns into a sorta smirk,"Mmh Hmm, Sure I do..."
I laugh,"Ha! You're great!!! Anyways we've been here for... 3 HOURS! Gee thanks for the '5-Minute-Break', world"
Max's POV!
Okay. Imma tell you the plan. We split up again. Me and Jess ((#MithMau)) went to find Wendy while Red and Jin went to find a witch named Lucinda.
So me and Jess are in awkward silence right now. "Sooo... What's your take on cheese?" She asks me, breaking the awkward silence. "PHHT that's easy. I love cheese. What about you?" I asked.
"WHAT HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE CHEESE?" I screamed at Jess, totally not paying any attention to what was ahead.
I suddenly slipped and fell down a slope with Jess close behind me. At the end of the slope was a door. I ended up hitting my head on the door while Jess' feet don't even touch it.
"What do you think it is?" I asked her. But, as usual, Jess totally ignores my question, "OPEN SESAME!" Jess tried. But nothing worked.
"WHAT NO!" I scream. "JUST DO IT! MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE, MAX!" The Narrator Sophia screams.
Man I just wanna kill her.