Chapter 20=FIGHTS and Secrets!

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•>•???'s POV•<•
I was sitting in my cage. The fight was going to begin and I could go and be Ms-Super-Hero-That-ALWAYS-Saves-The-Day but I should and I am going to stay out of this one.
I know that they need my help but I absolutely cannot help them. I mean yes I can fight but. They don't know that I am the narrator and I am currently narrating their situation. The Ross guy seems nice and sweet,even if I don't know which one is which since I have been in a cage. I'm not helping them...but if I don't help then Ross might get hurt. Okay. I'll help. For Ross.
"Oh Okay. You think 4 Vs 1 is fair? Okay let's make this even." Flowey said. And then he used his magic to manipulate Jin and Red. I pretended to be manipulated since he cannot know my power.
He then turned Jin And Red Evil and I turned myself evil. Sorry Short brunette girl I have to fight your to blend in.
I pull out a demonic sword Flower Guy gave me. I start to fight her. Steal Vs Demonic. I'll Obviously win. I have goddess powers,after all. So I was fighting Short Stuff while Red fought Max,Hew Hew Ginger Vs Ginger, and Jin Fought Jess,Hew Hew I Ship Don't Judge.
I just realized that Max, Short Stuff, and Jess all have brown eyes. So THE BROWN EYE AMEGOS VS The Brown, Blue, and Another Brown Eyed Person will fight to the death.
"Hey Did you know that we have a narrator!" A boy who sounds like Ross, who looks cute with his curly brown hair and his brown eyes, called to his friends. "No. AGH. We Don't. AGH!" Max said while fighting Red.
"Yeah we do! Hi Narrator!" Ross says, expecting a response. Hello Ross~Kun.
I used my magics to make my narrator voice. "HEY I AM THE ONLY ONE ALLOWED TO CALL ROSS~KUN ROSS~KUN! OKAY!" A Brat-I mean a sweet red headed girl, who goes by Shelby, spoke. Okay Shelby...
"Okay We have a narrator but I hope he doesn't do that thing where...well ya know what I mean Ross..." Max said.
"Okay Mr or Ms Narrator don't speak how Max says to not speak." Ross spoke. I am a girl just call me Miss Phi Okay?
"Okay Miss Phi!" Ross calls. Aww how adorable. Ross really must have a lucky girlfriend. If he has one. Of course he has one.
  Max then swung his sword at Red, with DETERMINATION!
"Oh God she is doing it ROSS!" Max screamed.
  Oh so Max~Kun dislikes me saying DETERMINATION! Then I-Uh So-Uh Mystery Girl fought Short Stuff WITH DETERMINATION!
"SHUT IT OR YOU DIE!" Max yelled.
  Maxes Scream filled him with DETERMINATION!!!
"AGHHH STOP THIS MADNESS!!!" Max screamed.
  Jessica and Jin stopped fighting. They just stared.
Jin And Jess Just stared at each other. More of like they JESS'd stared at each other, am I right folks?
"Oh God I hate her." Max said.
"Yeh BOI!" Ross screamed.
"HAHA! I love this Gal! Miss Phi!" Jess screamed."Yeah...Hehe Puns are great." Jin said.
  Wait I don't HAVE to fight. I can freeze them.
Yo Stop the fighting or y'all going to another dimension!
   They all IMMEDIATELY stopped fighting. Good Now you can solve this with a kindle manner and-
"No No No THEY NEED TO KILL EACH OTHER OR I EILL KILL ALL OF YOU MY SELF-" Flowey yelled until I sent him to the Maze Runner Dimension.
  Then a note appeared in my pocket.
It said.

  Dear New Narrator Of The Century,
You've used your powers far too much. You're powers are going away unless you truly need them. You can also obtain your powers if you learn to control it CORRECTLY. Do you understand,child? If you do then you'd understand that you cannot have a crush and if you do then the universe explodes. Understand? Anyways can't talk now. Gotta go. Goodbye.
   From Da Best Person Ever, R...

  PHHHHT! YOU CANT TELL ME WHAT TO DO R! I CAN HAVE A CRUSH ON ROSS AND- Wait how'd R Know that. Is R narrating the narrator? HOW RUDE!!! And HOW RUDE for you to take MY POWERS! Ugh! I hate R! Why ya gotta be so Ruuuuuddddeee!

  Jess' POV
  I broke the cage for DR Jin's and Adam grabbed his clone. "LETS GO GUYS!" I yell and I see everyone following, everyone but Mystery Girl.
"Hey MG!" I call. "Yes?" She asked.
"Wanna come with us on our adventure we let Wendy so you can join too." I say. 
  "YEH! THIS'LL BE FUN!" Ross cheers. Then Mystery Girl blushes slightly. Only I noticed this. Aww she has a crush on Ross- but Shelby has one too. Oh Boy. I'm not solving this one. So SXR or SXR? Hmm SXR,Duh!

Natalie's POV|•~•|
  I was laying on Johns Shoulder. We were sitting on top of a Ice cream stand called Nice Cream.
  "Hey Stop sitting on my Ice Cream Mr and Ms Vandalism!" A guy yelled. We then ran. He was holding my hand. My cheeks turned pink. Why did they turn pink. What does that mean. I feel sort of happy and amazed. What feeling is this. I don't recall having this feeling.
   We then stopped running and he kept holding my hand. "Uh..." I say. He then looks down to see our hands holding. "Ohs Uh Sorry's!" He says. "Why are you talking like that again?" I asked.
"I don't's wants them to knows that Is talks normals Too's." He spoke. "Yeah, it's our little secret." I say.
1000 words exactly. Haha. Not too shabby aye? Anyways this is the WORST Chapter ever so. Yeah.
Will Ross Date Sophia Or Shelby?
Will Wendy get a crush?
And Will their Secret get spilled?
Find Out next time!