Chapter 32= Whelp That Makes Two.

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((P.S SORRY!!!))
  Zyan's POV
I saw Jess, Wendy and all their friends run. "Wait Wendy!!!" I screamed making everyone turn and look at me. "Oh yeah. I forgot about this twerp. Guys this is Zyan."
"Don't ask." Wendy responded. "Okay the ROSSUME 11 MINUS 2 GO!" The guy Adam screamed.

Ryan's POV
Blarph. "MIDNIGHT!" I screamed. "Y-Y-Yes Bro– I mean Master?" She asked. "Be a good little sister and make Zyan feel pain!" I ordered. "But he's our brother..." She mumbled. "AND HE LEFT US FOR WENDY! He must have a crush on her or something stupid."
"Loves not stupid.." She muttered. "YES IT IS!" I barked. She whimpered. Useless piece of— Suddenly my Zyan tracker rang. "Oh. So he's going to Lucy–Linda's House, Aye? Whelp he has a surprise coming."

    Jin's POV
   "WHEN IS LE— I mean... Laurance Coming?" I screamed at Cadenza. "IT'S FOUR HOURS!!!"
   "Well when I said 4 hours. I meant 6 hours." Cadenza spoke, "I just really love you and–"
   "Woah you love him? I love him!" Emmalyn screams.
"What? No Kawaii~Chan loves Jin~ Senpai!"
Th three girls fought while me, Red, Lucinda, and Another red head sat their.
"Why aren't you fighting over me? I ask the other red head, Nicole.
"Meh. You aren't that hot. Plus you're a nerd and I have a boyfriend." She said.

Suddenly the door slammed open. It was.....


I'm. Screwed. "Hi Lucy-Linda can you help Ma– J-Jin?" She asked. Suddenly she started to sob. "Screw you Jin😡! Oh it's okay Jess. He's a Jerk. 😔" Wendy spoke.
"So you're the guy who made Wendy and Jess cry?" A guy with ugly black hair asked.
"Who're you?" I asked. "Zyan. The guy who had to deal with the crying. Now Lucinda. Fix Max. He's suffering from 'Casanova Flu'. It's highly contagious." He spoke.
Lucinda took Max into a room. "Jin~ Senpai, Who's that?" Kawaii~Chan asked pointing at Jess.
"My EX-Girlfriend." I spoke. "That's messed up man." Adam spoke.
"WHAT? Why are you on her side. I'm your bro!"
"You broke her heart for no reason and she's been my friend since we were 4!" Adam screamed.
Suddenly some one knocked on the door. "SURPRISE!" An ugly evil guy and his wimpy sidekick walk in.
"Ryan..." Zyan mumbles. But he obviouslydoesn't know how to whisper. "WHO'S RYAN?" Ross 'asked'.
     "He's my.... Brother." Zyan spoke. "Well well well. Zyan the joke has to admit he's related to Ryan the awe-some!" Ryan said.
   "Don't you mean"
"DON'T!" Wendy screamed at Ross.
    "Ross-ume!" Ross finished making everyone groan.
     "Ryan..." The girl with with silver hair in the background whispered. "SHUT IT MIDNIGHT!" Ryan screams.
    Ryan turns to Midnight, unaware of what would happen. "SLOTH POWERS GO!!!" Ross screamed.
    "Jin you screwed up..." Adam whispered to me. "I know dude. But I can't go back now. So deal with it." I whispered back.
    Ross' Sloth Powers went for Ryan but he pulled Midnight in front of him. LIKE WHO'D DO SUCH A THING TO A WOMAN HE KINDA LOVED!— NOT ME! Of course.
    The blur of light went away and we saw Midnight bleeding. "Oh My God! RYAN! Why would you kill your own sister! That's like messed up Ryan!" Zyan screamed.
    "Wh–Wha? Why are you trying to blame me? Blame Ross! He was the one who accidentally shot the magical thingamajig. Plus it was either her, the useless one who is a sidekick who gets me drinks, or me, the awesome one who does all the revenge planning! I had to! What'd you want me to do Ket myself die and not her?" Ryan screamed.
   "Sidekick?" A girl whom was on the floor started, "A SIDEKICK! AFTER ALL I'VE DONE TO MAKE YOU HAPPY YOU TRY TO KILL ME!" She stood up. "WHY DO I CONSIDER YOU A BROTHER? EVEN THOUGH ZYAN IS UGLY HE STILL IS A BETTER BROTHER THAN YOU! Rossume Team, Attack Him!" Midnight ordered.
    We all attacked him. Well we were ABOUT to until he disappeared leaving Midnight with us. "Jin why'd you start to attack? YOU are not a member of the Rossume Team." Alesa spoke, hugging the crying wimp called Jess.
    "Why You FAT GEEKY JERK!" Wendy said. Trying to attack before Lucinda saved my life. "There you go! Max and Red are all better!" Lucinda said. "Ugh What happened?" Max asked.
    "You loved Jess. You used Puns to make her love hog which made her despise you." Wendy spoke. Woah Woah. He LOVED Jess? I mean. I'm not jealous or anything like that but still it's... Weird.
   "Barf. No. I'd never ever ever love Jess..." Max spoke. "She's like if Night- mares and kittens made a child. It's like Ugh."
   "Umm. Who's the leader of the Rossume Team without Jin?" Zyan randomly asked.
   Before Jess, Alesa, Adam, Or Wendy responded Ross said, "Duh. ROSSume Team! But weren't we the ROSSUME 11 or am I sadly mistaken?"
    No one answered. Suddenly Kawaii~ Chan spoke, "Uhh. Kawaii~Chan, Nicole~Sama, Cadenza~Chan, and Emmalyn~Chan are just going to let ourselves out."
    "CALL ME JIN!" Cadenza screamed. I blushed, Cadenza is kinda cute. But so is Nicole. But Nicole is taken. Kawaii~ Chan is SOOOO Annoying. Emmalyn is nerdy. And I'm Cool on a sports team. I mean which kid would date a nerd with no chance at love?
    "C'Mon Jin. Let's go." Red said dragging me with his arms. "Wait!" Midnight screams. "What?" Red asked. "I uhh UMM ehh. I w-want to come with you guys. Yeah...😅..."
    Seriously?  It's GOTTA be more than that. WHAT IF SHE HAS A CRUSH ON ME? I mean I AM hot and she IS kinda cute so. "Sure" I said.

Lucinda's POV
   Jin's an Idiot. I can seriously read minds  Midnight has a crush on no one.  Not that I know. "So YOU want to GO with JIN and not JESS? Okay. I'm not judging." Wendy spoke "EXCEPT I AM HOW COULD YOU?"
    "Okay Calm down Wendy." Max spoke. Holding on her arms. Wendy blushed. Wendy has a crush on Max. Max... I'm not sure. Guess You'll find out— wait nope 4th wall ehh stop Lucinda– you know what. ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!  And Whelp. Jin and Ryan. That Makes Two Idiots.
    Yeah. Yup, I am done.