Chapter 18=New Friends,Ideas, and Preparing To Die...

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  Hey Guys So I Am changing the way I write to quotation marks now. Sorry about this but some people say it doesn't really make any sense when I write with :. Anyways, Here's the FanArt too. @WendyTheWolfies took extra extra long and she mad extra art for the future chapters. Anyways ENJOY!!!

Shelby's POV~~~
I woke up to the smell of something getting roasted. "Hey Jess! What are ya cooking?" I ask her.
"I'm Cooking a chicken." Jess spoke.
"...NOOOOOO!!!WHERE WAS IT?" I ask after I screamed.
"It was by your bed." Jess answered.
"YOU KILLED CLUCKERINA! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" I scream as I chase her. "SHELBY STOP WE'LL LOOSE THE OTHERS!" Jess screamed but I ignored her. How Dare She kill Cluckerina! Cluckerina was my faithful companion and then my Sister from another Mister, Jessica slaughtered my companion.
I then realize that I forgot which way we came from. WHO CARES NOW ALL I NEED IS REVENGE!!!
I then see a stranger walk around a maze corner. "AHH YES!!!" Jess yelled. She then hid behind the stranger. "SAVE ME FROM THIS SHELBY!!!" Jess yells. Then the stranger brings out her sword. Yes she's a girl."HALT! Why are you chasing this poor innocent girl?" The Stranger asked. "Innocent? She killed my Chicken!" I scream. "How would I have known it was yours. Did it have your name in it?" She asked. "Cluckerina was not like a Cupcake! You can't write your name on a chicken like you can do on a cupcake!" I scream.
"Okay, ENOUGH! Jess Shelby apologize to each other Now!" The Girl commanded. "Shelby I'm sorry I should of asked if it was yours." Jess apologize.
"Jess I'm sorry for chasing you and loosing the pack." I said.
"I can help." The stranger said. I looked at her. She has brown eyes, brown hair in a pony tail, fingerless gloves, gray shorts, white socks, brown and white shoes, a dark blue and light blue t-shirt, a brown wolf tail and a stone(?) sword. "What's your name anyways?" I ask. "I'm Wendy!" She says.

((This girl is based off of @WendyTheWolfies because she draws Most/ALL Of my Art and I let her be in this

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((This girl is based off of @WendyTheWolfies because she draws Most/ALL Of my Art and I let her be in this. Okay you may continue))

"I'll fight for you guys and I have some food so we all can survive!" Wendy says. "Thank you So Very Much!" Jess cheers. Jess is awesome. Why'd I want to kill her again? Oh yeah she killed my chicken. I can buy a new chicken but not a new best friend. Jess is the best and she's better than the rest.
No Body's POV~~~
"Adam Dahlberg!" The teacher called.
"Uh why is Adam not here. 3 days in a row." "Uh Adam told me that he and his 3 Bro's and his crush and their crushes we're going to Texas some time and I'm guessing that's today. And yesterday and yesterday's yesterday." A boy spoke. "Okay So Adam Dahlberg, Jinuyasha Bop, John WinkleTon, Ross Washington, Alesa, Jessica, Natalie, and Shelby went on a trip. Okay... Have any of you seen Michael?" The teacher asked. "Michael? Oh you mean the boy who dresses up like a Red dinosaur and calls himself Red? Oh he had to visit his little brother... And Maxwell had to go work at his job. If you are wondering how I know this my name is Idrys and Max Michael and Adam are close friends of mine.Call me Owkward." The boy spoke again. "Okay class open your books to page 346..." The teacher spoke and the kids got out their books...
Alesa's POV
"WAKE UP YOU SNAILS!!!" I screamed and Natalie and Barney woke up. "JESS AND SHELBY ARE MISSING ANS I THINK THEY DITCHED US!!!" I yelled.
"Oh Brother..."Barney mumbled.
Then a grin came on my face. "I have an Idea. I'll look and if I'm not back in an hour look for me!" I spoke and before they agree or disagree I run off.
I kept running in the maze until I tripped and fell into a hole. OUCH! MAN CANT THEY PUT A 'WARNING BIG HOLE HERE' SIGN! Ugh!
"Well this is small. And there is only one way to go. Oh well I'll go and see where life takes me. " I crawl through it. It actually is very long. So I'm going to rest.
Wendy's POV~~~
  "Ugh! My tail is So annoying. I wish I could make it disappear!"I complain and then magic surrounds me. "Oh my gosh! You have magic!" Shelby cheered.
"Wish my a flower dress!" Jess cheers. "Okay fine," I start,"I wish Jess had a flower dress on!" Nothing happens. "Aww! Well I guess you can only make your tail disappear." Jess said.
"I have an idea. Let's have a race. Whoever can get to..." I started, I then saw a dark yellow light orange-ish thing in the distance. I then point to it. "That Thing first gets $50 from each of us!" "Deal!" Shelby and Jess say at the same time. "Start in 3,2,1 Go!!!"
I yell and we run side by side through the maze since we didn't want to split up. I'm going to earn $100. They'll never expected it. Haha!!!
Ross's POV~~~
"So we meet again, The Flower says.
"What?What do you mean?" I ask.((What Do You mean? Haha over used already...))
  What does Flower-y mean? Again?
"Oh don't tell me you don't remember. Ross Narwhal Washington..." The Flower spoke. WHAT HOW DOES HE KNOW MY NAME!!! "How do you know that-" I ask before he cuts me off.
  "We used to be friends. Ross, I'm a shape-shifter. You see. Did you know a human named 'Asriel Dreamer?'" He asked me.
   "WAIT! RIE! What are you doing?" I ask. "I wanna have a duel with you. You can have your friends back IF you go Genoside, not Pacifist. Kill me Ross." He said. Then cages appeared. 1 had a clone of Sky, 1 had a clone of Jin, 1 had Jin, 1 Had Max, 1 had Red, and the last had a unknown human being. "No" I said. "Suit't yourself." The Flower said and he turned into a ugly creature. "Prepare To DIE(!) Ross!" The Ugly Monster Of A Old Best Friend Spoke.
How do you like the new writing form I'm using? Do you want it to stay the Same or go back to the other one? Do you think Ross will die? Find Out Next Time!

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