Chapter 35= The Hard Way Out

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BE WARNED! There are lots of TELEVISION SHOW REFERENCES SO IF YOU DON'T WATCH Gravity Falls, Rick And Morty, Steven Universe, Regular Show, And Adventure Time THEN YOU WON'T GET ANY OF THE ENDING!!!

Wendy's POV
"So your saying I gotta eat a sandwich?" I asked. "Wha— No! Wendy, you and Maxwell have a choice. Either you two use a magical item to your will (the easy way) or use your brains to figure it through this tough situation together (the hard way). So which one?" Harriet asked.
"EASY WAY!" I screamed while Max screamed, "HARD WAY!" We exchange a glance towards each other. "Why easy? Wendy you should prove your smart instead of cheating at life!" Max stated. "But Maxwell! Hard was is way too long! Do you wanna find them when you're ninety two? C'mon use your brain and think! If you want a child hood— well technically an ADULT HOOD— then easy is the best way!" I screamed.
Max and I argued for a good solid eight minutes until Harriet screamed, "STOP IT! Okay if you go Wendy's way you would be able to get married young and name one child Harriet Jr. But if you go Max's way you get to live life to the fullest and prove true friendship. Your pick."
Once again, Max and I exchanged a glance and nodded. We knew which one we're gonna do.

Jess' (Yuss, Yuki) POV
"Okay. Here's the plan," I started, " We'll use the Magical Potato ONLY if there ain't no side affects. Zyan. Are there any?"
"Actually. No. But you can only use it three times. Twice for the easy way, once for the hard way." Zyan spoke.
"What's the easy way and hard way?" Nat asked. "I dunno. The potato came with a manual. Same as the orange." Zyan said. "DO THEY KNOW THAT?" Alesa asked, referring they to Max and Wendy.
"I dunno. Maybe... We should find them...." Zyan said. "YA THINK?" Rodum (Ross), Barney, Nat, Shelby, Alesa, and I screamed. "PHHT, why do you care about Mackenzie and Wendell anyways? It's not like they're gonna be important in the war against the burden of the cold hard friend zone." Cadam said.
"What?" I asked. "Oh yeah. I forgot. Your minds can't handle the burden of the truth like mine can." Cadam responded.
"Your acting like Rona—" I started before I heard two screamed. Alesa and I ran to the corner and saw six people info trouble.
Alesa pulled a sword out of her bag and ran up to fight it. I grabbed a bow and a few arrows from my back and shot the domestic demon right in the face in the blink of an eye. Alesa stabbed it's heart and yanked it out with the sword. Cadam turned into SkyBrine... Except... I dunno Casky? But anyways SkyBrine showed up more powerful then ever (Since everybody loves a call back).
SkyBrine attacked the being. I made sure to not hit SkyBrine or Alesa. It was hard. After the being got slaughtered by us, I walked over to help them.
"Hey, you okay. I'm Jessic— Uhhh..." I said when I realized I save none other then JINS life. Why'd I save him! "Oh. Umm. Hey Jess. It's me. Jin. JinBop!" He said.
I remember when I first gave him that dumb nickname. It was about what seemed like a life time ago.

"Jin..." I called. We were playing hide n seek. "Jin..." I suddenly heard him giggle. I smirk. "I wonder if he's... HERE!" I screamed, jump scaring him. "Hey Jin," I said," BOP!" I said bop because I poked his nose. "Did you just call me JinBop?" He asked. "No. But I'll start calling you that!" I taunted. "HEY NO FAIR!" He screamed, chasing me.
End Of FlashBack. (None of that's true! I made it up!!! Like everything!)

"J-Jess. You're squeezing my arm." Jin said, snapping me back to reality. I looked down to see I was. Wait wasn't Jin the guy who shattered my heart? Oh yeah. Why am I so buddy buddy with him? I should be doing this.
I grabbed his arm and THREW him over my head and on the floor behind me. "AGH! WHAZZAT FOR!" Jin asked. Is he serious? "YOU ARE THE ONE WHO SHATTERED MY HEART. NOW I TRUST NO ONE." I screamed at him...... Absolutely totally not secretly humming the Gravity Falls theme song in my head but out loud too.
"Why are you—" Jin asked but I screamed "STOP TALKING!" Ya know. To act like every blue jays favorite
raccoon bro.
"Wha? JESS STOP QUOTING TV SHOWS! Gosh you're so annoying!" Jin screamed.
"Whelp. You know what they say. If every PorkChop were perfect—" I started.
"Don't you dare finish that quote!" Jin ordered. I got ready to run, "WE
WOULDN'T HAVE HOT DOGS!" I sprinted away. "JESS! YOU SUCK!" Jin screamed.
"AND YOU SWAL—" Alesa screamed before I screamed over her by screaming, "Hey it's okay. Sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something." Ya know. Like every Humans favorite yellow magical shape shifting dog.
"STOP!" Jin screamed. "Wha? C'Mon. Let's get SWIFTY! Whatever that means." I screamed, quoting every Morty's favorite Rick.
I looked back to Jin chasing me, talk about tunnel vision much. He only wants to 'hurt' me.
"JESS LOOK OU—" A squeaky voice, probably Shelby's— actually... Defiantly Shelby's. But she screamed that... Until it was too late.
I fell down a bottomless pit... And not alone. Jin fell down too. This reminds me of Gravity Falls.
"Ahh Summer Break," I started.
"A time for leisure,"
"And taking err easy,"
"No! Don't say it!"
"Unless your me!" I finished, screaming as Jin tried to chase me through the void of nothingness.
    Jin screamed. Loudly too. It hurt my precious ears. I snapped. "JIN! THIS IS WHY NATALIE, ALESA, AND SHELBY TOLD ME NOT TO DATE YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!"

Ha! Don't you just love it when it gets "Interesting"? Why do I type this? No ones reads this? I could be making a bacon pancake or eating some cookie cats or eating gummy koalas— should I stop? Yes. Okay. Bye! (Why'd I say bye? It's not like we're actually talking—)