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Maddison's POV
Me and brad stood there with the same look on our faces. Pure shock. Lucy is pregnant.

"Are you 100% sure?" I ask her and she turns her head to me.

"Done 5 tests all different brands all saying the same thing." She sniffles. I get up and walk over to Connor. He looks up at me.


My hand goes straight over his face.

"What the fuck was that for?" He says holding his cheek. Brads face drops.

"Don't you dare make this out to be Lucy's fault it takes two to tango you selfish prick. You are as much responsible as she is. Don't you ever speak to her like that again." I say through gritted teeth. He puts his head back down and I walk over to Lucy.

"Do you not think that was a bit uncalled for Maddison" Brad says to me and I shoot him a look that could kill.

"Absolutely not" I say walking over to him "why? Do you?" I question and he looks around and scratches the back of his head.

"N-n-no" he stutters. I smile

"That's what I thought" I say walking back over and hugging Lucy. I can clearly see Connor is still hammered.

"Lucy babe do you want to come and stay at mine and brads tonight. Let Connor sober up?" I ask and she nods her head.

"She's not going fucking anywhere" Connor says standing up his cheek bright red from where I hit it. Brad puts his hand on his shoulder.

"And who's going to stop her?" I say walking closer to him i see the rage burning in his face. He has always been an angry aggressive drunk. But I've never seen him this bad. He goes to swing for me but Brad pulls him away and pins him down.

"I DON'T CARE IF YOU ARE SCARED ABOUT BEING A DAD AND THATS WHY YOU ARE PISSED YOU NEVER HIT A GIRL ESPECIALLY MY GIRLFRIEND!!" I shouts in his face. I walk over to Lucy and we go upstairs and back her a bag. She goes and waits out in the car well me and brad get Ruby and all of mine and her things in the car. We leave Connor to cool off and we head back to mine and brads. I still can't believe Connor went to hit me it was so out of character he is normally so caring but I guess that Is what drink does to some people, I know drink brings out the worst in Brad. That seems to be how boys deal with tough news going out and getting pissed and blaming their partners for the pregnancy. Bloody arseholes.

We finally arrive back at ours and we help Lucy into the house and get her in the spare room. Ruby has just woken up for a feed. I get her a bottle made up and brad takes her down stairs to feed her.

"I can't believe the way he acted" I say shocked.

"I know but he is scared" she says defending him.

"Do not bloody defend his actions he was bang out of order" I say.

"I'm 4 months pregnant which means I can't have an abortion, that scared him even more the fact we didn't have a choice" she says.

"You are 4 months pregnant, girl you look good" we both laugh "but seriously do not put up with that shit" I say rubbing her shoulder she starts to cry and i hug her.

Brads POV

I have finished feeding Ruby and there isn't much noise coming from upstairs. I change Ruby quickly and rock her till she falls asleep for the night. I put her down in her cot in her room and go into the spare room to find an empty bottle of Rosé wine and the girls fast asleep on the bed. I get a blanket and place it over the two of them and go into my own bed. This is the second night without Maddison in my bed so I set up the travel cot in our room and take Ruby through. I smile looking at her peacefully sleeping she is so beautiful just like her mummy. I know for a fact Connor will step up and be the man Lucy needs for the baby. With that thought I fall asleep.

Connor is an arse but look at Maddison growing some balls.

10 votes and 10 comments for next update in the morning. 😘

Bad ass Brad.                                                            {B.W.S}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt