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Brads POV
"What the hell are you doing here?" Katie asks me.

"I was told Abby is my daughter by the hospital I came to see if she was okay!" I say nervous.

"Well your not her dad Carol is and she is fine so you can leave now." The nurse looks up.

"But the..." Kate cut her off.

"Val shut up will you." I was shocked that is not how I remembered Katie.

"Katie there is no need to be so rude." Katie walks closer to me and I feel Maddison move behind my back continuing to hold my hand.

"Brad don't tell me what to do" she spits at me.

"Listen Katie can we not have a private talk about all this please." She looks at carol and back to Abby then me.

"Fine, there is a quite room through here." I go to let go of Maddison's hand her eyes a teary and she is shaking.

"Babe it'll be okay, I'll be back soon." I say walking out of the hospital room with Katie and into the quite room.

"Brad it's been a year and a half..." I cut her off.

"No Katie i don't care how long it's been am I her father?" Katie stays silent and looks at the ground.

"Yes but you never want to be her father really, I could tell you were scared your hole family were and that's not what I wanted for Abby! She needs a man and you were getting things sorted out with your band and I knew you would never be 100% there for her. Look at you now touring and being away for ages, Abby needs and deserves more than that."

"Listen Katie you never gave me then chance to be a dad you told me I wasn't her father and that's why I left and everything I was doing with the band was to provide for you and Abby. Yes I was scared but so were you and anyone who is 18 would be scared of becoming a dad, but Abby is my daughter and I want to do what's right her."

"Abby is one and a half Brad, she thinks carol is her father please don't ruin her Wee life by coming back, look I'm sorry for lying to you I should have told you, you were her father but I wanted us to move on and I wanted you to have the life you had always dreamed about." She puts her hand on my shoulder, now that is the caring girl that I fell in love with 2 years ago. I put my head down.

"Brad there is no pressure on you take it as a free pass, she doesn't know you are her dad and she is happy thinking Carol is please I'm begging you don't ruin this." I nod.

"I'm doing this for Abby not for you." I say walking out of the room back to Maddison. I see Carol sitting on his phone in the chair in the room and Maddison sitting next to Abby reading her a story they are both laughing and giggling and I smile at the sight. I need to remember me walking away form this is not for me but it's for Abby she is happy and I don't want to ruin that.

"Hey Abby I'm sorry about the mix up earlier, are you guys having fun?" I ask Maddison looks at me questioningly and I give her I'll tell you later look.

"Yes we are." Abby smiles.

"Well gorgeous i hope you get better soon." Maddison says kissing her on the head.

"Will you guys come back and visit me, I really like her."'Abby smiles at Maddison by this point Katie is standing back in the door way giving me the say no and leave look.

"I'm sure..." I cut Maddison off.

"No darling I'm sorry we won't, it was lovely meeting you." Tears form in Abby's eyes as they do in mine as well. Me and Maddison walk out of the hospital hand in hand. I get to the car and in the drivers seat. I start hitting the steering wheel manically.

"Brad! Stop it! What happened?" Maddison says putting her hand on mine to stop me hitting it.

"She told me Abby is happy thinking Carol is her father and I should just leave. It makes sense because she has grown up thinking that is her dad and I have never been there."

"Yeah through no fault of your own" Maddison adds in.

"I'm walking away and leaving her for Abby not to make Katie's life any easier but to benefit Abby, this would ruin her life." I begin to tear up as k out my head on the steering wheel. Maddison eyes are watering too as we pulls me in to a massive hug.

"Don't worry Brad I'm here." She kisses my head as she comforts me, while all I can think of is how much of a bad person I am. I should have fought more in there and when Katie told me I wasn't the dad I should have done my own DNA test. I'm such an idiot, but I know Abby is happy and is on her way to making a full recovery and that's all I care about.

I feel so sorry for Brad.

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Bad ass Brad.                                                            {B.W.S}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt