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Brads POV
"Y-you're what?" I say trying to comprehend what she has just told me.

"I'm pregnant Brad." I stay silent. "Brad baby please say something?" She says holding my hand.

"H-how can you be we have only had sex once and you took the morning after pill."

"The women at the clinic told me it wasn't always 100% effective." She says.

"Aw so you are just telling me this now?" I say getting annoyed.

"Brad, what difference would it have made we already had sex there was no other way to prevent me falling pregnant by then." She says as I pull my hand away from her in anger. "Brad why are you angry at me?" She asks.

"Maddison what a stupid question with everything that has happened with Katie and Abby you think this is what I need to hear right now you are pregnant and I'm going to be a dad. I told you we shouldn't have had sex that night when we didn't have a condom."

"Oh so this is my fault now?" She asks tears rolling down her face.

"Yes Maddison it is!!" I scream at her. A waiter comes over to us.

"Is everything alright here?" He asks.

"Fucking perfect." I say grabbing my coat and leaving Nandos. I can't believe she is pregnant I'm so angry and upset, this changes everything. I need to speak to my family. I get in my car and drive off.

Maddison POV
Lucy (my friend) works in Nandos and when she heard the commotion she came running over the waiter who was there before had left.

"Maddie are you okay? What was that about?" Lucy says stocking my back.

"I'm pregnant and I told him and he flipped" I say sobbing into her shoulder.

"Hey it's going to be okay." I could tell by her tone of voice she was angry at Brad.

"I need to get home. I'll call you." I say putting the money down to pay for the food we never ate and left hoping Brad would still be there as its about a 30 minuet walk back. When I got out his car was gone. What an arse. I understand he is shocked but to leave his pregnant girlfriend at a restaurant on her own is ridiculous. I walk home and when I get in my mum is sitting at the kitchen table. She looks as though she has been crying when I got closer to her I seen my pregnancy test sitting next to her.

"Mum" I say softly.

"Is it true?" She asks I nod my head and she stands up and hugs me. "Have you told Brad?" I nod and start crying. "Oh sweetie what happened?"

"He shouted at me and blamed me for the home thing and left me to walk home from Nandos crying" I say sobbing even more I was glad my mum was here for me.

"Honey you should have phoned me." I nod and cry more as my mum hugs me tighter.

"I'm going to go up and get changed into something more comfortable I feel fat and horrible" I say walking up the stairs. How could Brad do this to me. I sob into my pillow after I have changed into my sweatpants and crop top.

Brad POV
I get home and my mum is baking.

"Bradley is that you?" She cheeps from the Kitchen.

"Yeah mum listen is everyone home?" She nods and looks at me.

"Honey are you okay?"  She asks.

"Get Nat and dad in the living room please." She calls them down as I'm sitting in the living room.

"What's wrong?" They all keep asking.

"It's Maddison she's pregnant." I simply say. They stare at me shocked.

"Brad no not this again honey I can't see you got through all this again." Nat says.

"No this baby is definitely mine." I say

"How do you know that?" My mum questions.

"Maddison was a virgin before she slept with me when we were on tour." They all look taken a back. "What am I going to do dad?"

"Son stop acting like such a child, you did this, you made this situation and you will fix it, I raised you a man, you will be part of that babies life and you will and I repeat you will support Maddison through this pregnancy and after." I nod my head in realisation of what a prick I am.

"You are right dad I'm going over there right now." They all nod and I get up and walk over to her house. I knock on the door and her mother answers with tears in her eyes. She must know.

"What the hell do you want?" She spits at me, she definitely knows.

"Mrs Greenfield I'm here because I acted like a dick before and I'm sorry I was just shocked."

"You left my pregnant daughter to walk home alone." Oh my god, I didn't even think about that when I drove off. I put my head in my hands.

"I'm so sorry " I sob. When I look up I see Maddison standing there in her lounge wear. She still looked beautiful despite her red puffy eyes.

"Mum it's okay." She says and her mum steps back into the house. "Come in its cold out here, I'd know I just walked home from Nandos after paying for meals neither of us ate." Oh my god I'm such a bad person.

"Maddison I'm so sorry I should never have left you there I'm so sorry, I was shocked but I'm ready to be a father a good one too I want to look after you and I want to look after this baby."

"Bradley I need you to promise me that because I don't think I could do this without you." She starts crying again as we sit on her bed.

"You will never be without me I promise I love you and I love this little one." I say placing a hand on her stomach she looks up and smiles at me.

"Really?" She asks.

"Of course Maddison I told my family and they are going to be there for us as well."

"So are my parents" she smiled "Brad we are going to be parents." She says laughing. I kiss her lips and we lay back on her bed. Before I knew it she was fast asleep on my chest. I knew I had to get back as I need to let my family know how it went. I left her a note on the bedside table with £50 next to it.

I'm so sorry I left you to walk home and made you pay for the meal so here is the money back and I love you and out little bump loads.

Call me when you wake up.

I love you loads.

-Bradley X

As I'm walking out the door her mother is standing there.

"I heard all of that Bradley, thank you, you are going to be great parents." She hugs me tightly and I leave shooting her a smile. I'm going to be a dad.

Hey loving all the comments please keep doing that!

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Bad ass Brad.                                                            {B.W.S}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt