Chapter Twenty-one

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i tried to make my face seem emotionless, ''you know''. he got up out of his chair and sat on the bed with me. ''i thought they were tattoo's but than i saw them curl up your arm'' he said looking straight into my eyes. '' i asked harvey why it was doing that and he told me everything'' he said still staring at me.

''i'm so sorry Henry i wish i could tell you but'' i said trying not to break out crying. i felt like a big cry baby today. ''it's fine i understand ok you don't got to explain'' he said holding my hand. even though i had to pull away, i didn't it felt so nice. as I went to get up he leaned in and kissed me. he brushed his hand  on my cheek. he pulled away smiling not taking his yes off me. he smiled and brushed the hair off my face.

i couldn't believe he acutally kissed me, i know it was a bad thing but i liked it a lot. '' Henry is sh-'' Tommy came in but stopped. ''u are you guys having a moment or should I come back later'' she said awkwardly. my face kept getting hotter and hotter. ''um no... I'm fine we're fine'' I said. '' ok Harvey needs to see  both of you'' she said walking down the hallway. we smiled but it faded when I saw who else was own there.

''listen Mallory this isn't a good time'' Harvey said trying to stay calm. my Aunt wasn't falling for anything ''excuse me but she is my niece and I'm going to talk to her if you like it or not''. I walked down the stairs with henry no far behind. she finally saw me and smiled '' Oh Valerie I need to talk to you'' she said coming in for a hug. I stepped back rejecting her hug. then she looked over my shoulder and her smile was erased and replaced with confusion. ''who is that'' she said looking straight at henry.

''none of your business'' I said with a harden tone. ''well I want to know miss Valerie'' she said leaning in close to henry. ''what is your name sweetie'' she said smiling trying to ask all innocent. Henry backed up he looked a little intimidated by her. ''you don't have to say anything'' I said trying to make her to back off. he kept backing up until he backed up straight into the wall. he was in a dead end. my aunt put both of her hands on the wall to block his path.

''Mallory'' Harvey warned, but she ignored him. ''you better tell me or something bad is going to happen'' she said smiling evilly. Henry kept his mouth shut, but he looked nervous. ''ok then'' she said, she hit his heart and pushed him against the wall. he looked in in pain. ''Mallory stop it'' Harvey yelled. she pulled away and smiled ''now what's your name''. ''Henry'' he answered with a raspy voice than he fell to the floor.

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