Chapter Twenty-Nine

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we walked back laughing and telling stories, what we loved and just things  that normal people talk about. when we made it back to my house I had a bad feeling in my gut. we walked into the house laughing, but stopped when a unwanted face had stared directly at me. ''hello Ms. Creek'' the man in the old suit eased with many years of age. me and henry immediately stopped laughing. ''hello Mr. Bretford'' I said to the forth man in power of the council. ''so Ms. Creek can we have a moment alone'' he said with poison in his tone, but wasn't speaking to me but to henry. ''I'm talking to you Curly'' Mr. Bretford said mocking Henrys perfect hair. ''well at least I know how to be proper Mr. Bretford'' Henry said taunting the withered man.

''listen here boy leave before you get hurt, and I can make sure you do'' he threatened.  stared ide eyed at henry, he wasn't going anywhere and I knew that Mr. Bretford wasn't joking. '' Henry you need to go'' I said grabbing gently on his arm. ''no what about you'' He asked his green emerald eyes staring at me.     '' I'll be fine, but I can't promise anyting about you'' I said trying to convince him to go. ''if he touches you-'' he was cut off by Mr. Bretford ''I won't lay a hand on her now if you please'' he opened the door making henry leave. ''please sit'' Bretford said easing in the armchair. I sat on the couch not relaxing at all.

''so I heard you are not breaking'' Bretford said calmly. ''um sir... I haven't been able to lately'' I tried to say, I wasn't lying just not telling the full truth. ''oh is that right than what do you say about the boy'' h said leaning closer to, as if strategizing his next move. ''who?'' I said chokingly. he laughed ''oh please Ms. Creek don't play dumb''. ''the boy that you seemed to have a sort of connection with'' he said talking with his hands annoyingly. ''we don't have a connection'' I said lying through my teeth, unless I was lying to myself. ''well you need to break someone or you'll end up like your farther'' that's what got to me. I choked down all the words but my hands trembled with anger. ''it won't happen like that'' I said choking more of my pity. ''Ms. Creek you can't lie to me, I know you have a connection with that boy, you have to break him or you'll drop dead just like you idiot of a father'' he was standing now and was about ten inches away from me. ''my farther wasn't a idiot'' I said venom mostly made up of fury sank into my tone. ''oh really than his death was not suicide'' he said appalled. ''he did it out of love but that's something you don't know about'' I screamed at him making my stomach knot.

''what do you know about love Ms. Creek'' he said shockingly. my one Knot tangled into a bigger knot into another knot. I sat there in silence I knew the answer but my throat welled at the word love. he laughed in satisfaction, soaking it in like a sponge. ''do you really know do you think that connection you have with that pitiful mortal is real love'' he kneeled beside me. '' I know what love is it's a passionate connection between two people'' I said not staring into Bretford's eyes. he sighed in depression ''I didn't want to do this Ms. Creek but you leave me no choice''. I stared at him in shock trying to leap off the couch but was leashed by the ankle. soon a stinging pain  went up my body. I couldn't move, the world was blur, my throat felt as if was about to burst. the last thing I saw was Bretford leaning into me ''it's time for sleep''. I couldn't bare the heaviness in my eyes when the closed I felt as if I was trapped in the darkness of my own mind.

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