Chapter Forty-Two

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I jolted up, sweat matted my dress to my back. I had no idea where I was it was to dark but I could, cushioning under me, I couldn't tell what I was sitting on or why I was sitting on it. I started putting my body in motion, knowing that I looked like I was making a snow angel. I found an edge, stepping off of the cushioned area, I touched the floor. I stood feeling wobbly I hadn't realized I still had my heels on, I stumbled to the floor having a jolt of pain in my wrists.

I searched for the strap helplessly, finally finding it I through the shoes across the room, thanking heaven that my feet were free fro those death traps. I stood up trying to find a door, I grabbed helplessly at the air. when I found a flat surface I jumped surprisingly. I patted down for the knob of a door. when I grabbed hold of a brass there I twisted and tugged roughly, opening to a painfully bright outside. The light burned my eyes making me put a hand up to block it. When my eyes readjusted, I looked at my surroundings. it was a hallway, with pictures hung on the walls. when I looked closer at the pictures I could see Aaron an Melissa standing hugging each other.

I was in Aaron and Izzy's, my heart leaped with joy as I walked at a fast pace into the living room. There sat Aaron, Harvey, Izzy, Tommy, Robert Greylight and Albany. I stopped and stared, Robert looked quite unhappy and had a glare of disappointment in his eyes. Albany looked Unhappy also and very furious, like a four year old that didn't get a toy from the store. When they finally looked up at me, they looked surprised and relieved. ''well isn't it miss Creek herself'' Robert spoke his voice tried hiding the unhappiness with relief but his voice was unconvincing. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out but air.

I tried again, still nothing ,my heart leapt into my throat. why can't I say anything I thought panicked. ''I see it hasn't wore off'' Robert Greylight looked at his daughter who looked unsatisfied to see me. ''don't worry it's temporary Albany took your voice away, so you couldn't interact with anyone, and if you've ever watched The Little Mermaid you understand why.'' he said smiling tiredly, his face looked tight against his circular face. ''It will wear off eventually'' he stated relieving me of a panic attack. I nodded and sat on down in the armchair, the cushioned back of the chair tickled my back, making it itchy.

Albany gave me a cold stare as if she was trying to stare into my soul. I looked away not willing to have that nightmare of Henry again. The thought still hung in my mind, him laying limply in my arms, his face scarred with scratches. My heart sank a little as I kept thinking about it. Soon thud came from behind Aaron, I snapped my neck toward it. It was henry, he looked tired, he had black circles under his eyes. everyone looked ''Mr. Green-'' Robert started but Henry looked at me his eyes wide and pale.

He Ran over to me, hugging me tightly, I could feel his heart beat faster against his chest. ''I thought I lost you'' he whispered in my ear. I tried speaking but still nothing came out but air. he stared at me intently, concern all over his face. he looked at Albany who looked to comfortable now that Henry was in the room. ''hello Henry'' she finally spoke, her voice sounded flirty, which burned me inside and out. ''hello Albany and what a ungrateful surprise to see you'' harshness in his tone was uncanny. ''what are you still mad at me'' she said innocently. ''Albany'' Robert yelled, making me jump a little. she looked at her farther who was scarlet red with fury.

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