Chapter Thirty-Nine

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We had all stepped in our own little group away from any of the very high class Breakers. I couldn't take my mind off of that girl, Albany. She had seemed even stranger when Henry and them came along, like she was planning something. Henry was standing quite close to me, I could feel his arm barley touch mine.

''so what's up with you guys getting involved with Albany GreyLight?''. I turned towards Aaron, he always seemed to look different when Melissa wasn't around. ''she just seemed to pick a fight with us why who is she?'' I was twiddling with a loose string on my dress. ''she's the third hand man to the council's daughter, her dad is Robert Greylight'' he seemed to sound calm but there was tension hidden in his voice.

''hello everybody I hope everyone's having a good time tonight'' a voice came from the stage. It was a tall man, his grey hair lay kind of flat on his head. The crowd turned their head's to look at the man. By his side, was a familiar frame of blonde hair. The man smiled at Albany, his grin had matched hers. That must be her farther I thought to myself. ''Now a word from the loveliest girl who made this get together possible, my daughter Albany Greylight'' Robert stepped away from the Microphone, letting his daughter step up.

Melissa joined us, smiling excitedly. ''guess who signed you guys up for the dance'' she gloated. my heart sank, dance what dance?. ''all of the Boys get to-'' before she could finish Albany leaned into the microphone ''hello everybody, I am here to announce the annual dance, in case your new to this, every male participant is to grab one Girl and dance with them, who ever is chose out of all the couples will get to dance in victory alone'' she yelled into the mic. the music started playing and I stared at the crowd. Mellissa and Aaron were dancing together, Harvey took Izzy's hand and gently danced with her. Tommy ended up with a boy with night black hair and was about two inches taller then her.

Henry took my hand and put his hand on my waist. I stared into his green eyes ''I'm not much of a dancer''. he smiled crookedly ''good because neither am I''. I put my hand on his shoulder, and we moved slowly and took tiny steps. ''you know that Albany girl is like the girls back in London'' Henry whispered. ''oh really?'' I said, feeling so short to him. He smiled, ''yeah they were quite annoying always needing someone to play with to settle there needs''. I laughed silently, and he laughed with me. we were so far from the crowd that I was sure no one would notice what I was about to do.

I put my lips up gently to his. I intertwined my fingers into his curly hair, each strand twisting around my fingers. he pushed his hands up just below my ribcage, they had settled so perfectly there like they were fitted for exactly that. The music stopped and we looked up, everyone else stopped just as we did. soon they split into two halves, as if Moses was parting  the red sea. soon I saw Albany walking threw the center straight towards us. she smiled at us both, we had parted but I could feel Henry's fingers laced with mine.

''congratulations Henry is it? you have won now take your-'' she stopped and arched her eyebrows ''your girlfriend into the center and enjoy you victory''. she tugged on Henry's arm and pulled him to the center, he was still holding my hand and I was tugged right along with him. She let go but seemed to look at me mischievously. ''but before you dance with your friend here you must dance with the host''.

He looked at me with concerned eyes. I smiled crookedly at him. ''and that means you need to go back with your group miss Creek'' Albany's cold voice, sounded a lot like my aunt Mallory's or a old school teacher. I fled back to Harvey and Tommy, feeling a tugging flutter in my stomach. Music started playing and they started dancing. I could see Albany's lips move into conversation. When Henry had his back towards me I could see Albany's blue eyes stare directly at me. she smiled evilly and then put her lips into henry's. she smiled when she kissed him. Henry's eyes went wide and he tried to pull back. The music stopped and everyone stared. I felt tears roll down my cheeks. I started running, trying to stop from crying. ''Valerie'' I heard henry yell. but I just wanted to be alone, I knew it wasn't his fault but I just wanted to keep running, from the throng of the crowd. I heard the faint murmur of the crowd before slamming the door behind me.

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