Chapter nine

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Joey POV
Monday, February 14

I pulled onto the street and saw a man that looked like Daniel run across the street. I don't know who/what he was running from, or why he was running, but I still couldn't wait for our date. I parked and walked in.
"Welcome to Simply Love! How many are in your party?" The front seat lady asked me.
"I actually see my date, but thanks anyway!"
I walked towards Daniel and saw the table he had picked.
"Wow. This is a beautiful table, and a very handsome date I've got here. How did I get so lucky?"
"I don't know, actually. But what I do know is that you are gorgeous and I really like you."
     "Awe, thanks, Daniel!"
     "Your welcome pig."
     "You're sick in the head!"
     After that, we ordered and talked about things like, "What do you do for work?" etc. when our food finally got there, we were both really hungry. I got a grilled chicken sandwich with avocado on it, and Daniel got a Caesar salad. We both devoured the food, and sat there talking for another hour after the check had came before I grabbed it as Daniel was reaching out for it.
"No, let me get it, please."
"It's fine Daniel, I got it."
"Fine, but I get to pay at the next place."
"There's more to this date?"
"Ya, and if we wanna go to it, then we should probably leave now."
"What is it?"
"It's a surprise."

We decided to leave my car in the parking lot, and Daniel drove me to the theatre. Daniel had me close my eyes on the way there. Then, we finally got there, and Daniel told me to open my eyes. I saw HUGE white screens and I knew what we were doing.
"Is this the drive in theatre?
"YAY!! What are we seeing?
"My Neighbor Totoro."
"I've never seen it."
"You're the best Daniel."
"Awe thanks, Joey."
~Magical time hop to after the movie~
The movie was over and Daniel and I were about to leave when he turned and face me.
"I almost forgot... I got you a little something."
Then he pulled out the cutest little teddy bear ever and an iTunes gift card (we think a like I guess) I squealed in delight and immediately grabbed the teddy bear and hugged it.
"ITS SO CUTE!! Thank you so much, Danny boy!"
"You're welcome!"
"I have something for you, too... But I didn't really know what to get you, so it's kinda similar to what you got me... I hope you like it still." I rambled.
I pulled out the chocolate and the gift card.
"Here you go."
"Awe thank you Joey. You didn't have to get me anything."
"You're welcome!"
He opened the chocolates and tried one."
"OMG THESE ARE AMAZING! Here, you NEED to try these!!"
He handed me a caramel filled chocolate.
"Oh these are good!"
Then he started to put the keys in the ignition, then stopped again.
"I have a question to ask you."
"Go ahead."
"May I please have your number?" He asked me with big puppy eyes.
"Of course!" I wrote down my number on his wrist with a pen, then he drove me to the restaurant.
"Well, I'll see you later. I had a lot of fun tonight." I said
"Me too. I'll text you, ok?"
"Ok! Good night."
He started to lean in, and so did I. I closed my eyes. I couldn't believe this was happening. This was my first kiss. What if I'm a bad kisser? AND I was being kissed by the hottest guy in school.
The kiss went pretty well in my opinion. I got out and waved to him with a huge smile on my face and walked to my car so I could drive home.

Today is the 2 year Janiel anniversary!! So I decided to celebrate with a longer chapter, a total of 720 words! (Not including the a/n. Should I do the date in Daniels POV or should I move on the the next part of the story? I have a pretty awesome idea for the next chapter. I think you guys will really like it. Ok Byee! 💕

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