Chapter twelve

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     Daniel POV

     Once we got home, Joey went upstairs and took a shower while I made us some lunch. I made us some BLTs and put them in the fridge so I called eat with him. Once he had finished showering, he came downstairs an we went outside of his apartment and sat on the balcony to eat. It was a beautiful day and I was glad to be out of the hospital. I'm sure Joey is too. The doctors gave him a pain killer that he had to take every 6 hours. After we ate we went to the living room to watch TV.
     "What do you wanna watch?"
     "Whatever you wanna watch, Danny boy."
     I liked this new nickname.
     "How about Cutthroat Kitchen?"
     "Sure! I love that show!"
He later his head down on my lap, and about 5 minutes in I heard him gently snoring. I giggled to myself, and carried him up to his bed. Then I went to the living room, and soon I too fell asleep.

Short chapter...I'm sorry please don't yell at me! I wanna do the next chapter in joeys POV so ya

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