Chapter thirty (Word Suggestions pt 3)

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A/N: Wattpad is being weird and won't let me use italics so ya...
Joeys POV
We got to the airport and checked in our bags, then walked up to the security gates.
"Sir please take off your shoes and empty your pockets. Please place any loose items, and bags in the bins next to you." We did as we were told and Daniel stepped through.
It beeped.
"Sir, please step over there for a pat down." I giggled as Daniel stepped to the side to get his pat down, and I went through security without any problems.
"I had a penny in my back pocket that I didn't feel." Daniel said walking back over to me and my stuff.
"Let's go find our terminal."
"Ok. It's B, which is on the East side, and our flight number is 47."
We found our terminal and decided to find some food.
"Did you hear that the guy from Target got put on death row?"
"No! Who? Why?"
"Some guy named Alex (Alex from Target 😂 #TBmeme 😂 anyway...)
And he got put on death row for killing 58 people by luring them into his house pretending that he was a photographer and then he killed them after taking their picture."
"That's crazy."
"I know, right?!?" Daniel said.
We found a nice little French café that we decided to eat at because there weren't very many people there. Daniel got a strawberry Nutella crépe and I got a croissant that had chocolate orange filling. We ate then went to the chairs by the terminal.

Daniel ended up falling asleep while we were waiting so I was sitting there with his head in my lap playing Best Fiends when a guy walked past me and whispered, "Can you not do that in public? It's disgusting!"
  "You know whats disgusting? THE FACT THAT YOU AREN'T ACCEPTING OTHER PEOPLES HAPPINESS! IM NOT BOTHERING YOU AND NEITHER IS MY BOYFRIEND SO LEAVE US ALONE!" I whisper-shouted back, as he huffed and walked away.
  I kissed Daniel's forehead and whispered into his ear, "Don't worry. I won't let them get to us. I love you." He smiled in his sleep and I went back to playing on my phone.

  "Flight number 47 in terminal B is now boarding." I heard our flight announced and I woke up Daniel.
  "Danny time to wake up. You can sleep more on the plane but for now, wake up."
  "Only if you kissssss meeeeeee."
  I leaned over and kissed his cheek.
  "Ok wake up now."
  "That didn't count."
  I kissed his lips and he got up and began to gather his charger, phone, and his ticket. My stuff was already packed, so I decided to take my medication.
  "I can't wait to go to Boston! I have a really pretty place I want to take you to. I went all the time as a kid." I said.
  "Ok. Sounds fun!" Daniel said sleepily.

  We got onto the plane and waited until take off.

Scrolling is fun.

You stopped to read this, didn't you?

Hey guys! How was your day? I hope it was good.
Ily so much.
Byee 💕
Word count: 534

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