Chapter twenty three

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    Joeys POV

   I woke up and Daniel was in my arms. Thank god he got home okay. I walked downstairs to make breakfast and saw an empty beer bottle on the counter.
Joey is 9 years old
  I walked downstairs in my footy pajamas and saw my mom asleep on the kitchen floor with 6 empty bottles of beer on the counter and a bottle in each of her hands. I ran over to her to see if she was okay, and she got up and hit me with the beer bottle so hard it broke. The glass cut my forehead so deep I had to get stitches, and another piece of glass got stuck inside my foot from when I was trying to run away from her and into my bedroom.
~End Flashback~
  I ran upstairs crying and locked myself in the bathroom. I didn't know what to do. I was breathing heavily, and was seeing things fuzzy. Then suddenly everything went black.

    Daniels POV
  I woke up to a loud bang coming from the bathroom. Joey wasn't in the bed so I started to freak out. I grabbed the spare room key and quickly opened the bathroom door just to see my baby on the ground, passed out. I rushed over to him and sat by him, counting how long it took him to wake up. He finally woke up after 7 long seconds.
  "What happened?"
  "You had a panic attack and passed out. I need to make sure you still remember stuff."
  "Who am I and what is our relationship like?"
  "You're Daniel Preda and you're my amazing boyfriend."
  "Good! What year is it?"
  "What grade are you in?"
  "Who's the president of the USA?"
  I held up 4 fingers.
  "How many fingers am I holding up?"
  "Good job. I think you're fine. One more thing. What's your name?"
  "Joey Graceffa."
  "Ok let me check your eyes and head."
  I checked his eye reflects and the back of his head.
  "Ok your fine. Do you remember why you panicked?"
  "There was a-a b-beer bottle d-downstairs."
  "I'm so sorry."
  This was all my fault. If I hadn't had the beer last night and left the bottle out, none of this would have happened! I feel so bad.
  "It's okay. I over reacted."
  "No you didn't. I'm sorry. I won't drink again. If it means that you will be safe and happy, then I won't do it."
  "Thank you."
  "Your welcome. I love you."
  "I love you more."
  "I don't think that's possible."
  "Oh really?"
  "If it's true, prove it."
  "Don't worry I will."
"Do you think you can go to school today?"
"Ya. Let's go." He said. I helped him up, and we got ready for school.

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