Chapter eighteen

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Daniels POV

I drove back to my house after Joey decided to adopt a dog.
"I'm home!"
"Hey Daniel!" My room mate Shane called.
I smelled something odd.
"What are you cooking?"
"It's a Giant Birthday Cake Milkshake...its for a video."
"Oh umm ok then."
"Wanna come try it? It's actually REALLY good."
"Umm I'm good thanks."
    "Ok! I'm gonna go hang out with Josh, Colleen, and Kory when I'm done with this!"
    "Ok I was gonna go back to Joeys anyway."
    "Ok have fun."
    "You too."
    I went up to my room and texted Joey.
    "Hey Jo."
    "Hey Danny Boy. What's up?"
    "Nothing much...what about you?"
    "Nothing. Just bored."
    "I miss you."
    "I saw you like 10 minutes ago."
    "I know I guess I'm just lonely... My roommate is hanging out with his friends and I'm all alone."
    "Awe. Poor. Danny."
    "Do you think I could maybe I could umm..."
    "What was I gonna ask?"
    "Just get over here."
    "Ok. See you soon! 😘"
    "Yup! 😘"
    I packed my tooth brush and my clothes, grabbed my keys and left.
    I knocked on his door.
    "Come in!"
    I opened the door and stepped inside to see Joey standing in his bathrobe with wet hair.
    "What do you want for dinner?"
    "Anything really... I'm STARVING."
    "Haha ok I was thinking of Sloppy Joes."
    "That sounds amazing."
    "Ok I'll go start cooking if you wanna take your stuff upstairs to the guest room."
    I went up to the guest room and I realized I forgot P.j's. Oops... I'll ask Joey to borrow some of his. After I put my stuff in the room I decided to scare Joey. I opened one of the drawers in the guest bathroom and saw a face mask. Perfect. I smeared the teal colored goo all over my face and quietly snuck down stairs. He still hasn't noticed.
    I tip toed up to him and quickly but quietly put my hands on his shoulders.
    "AHH!" He screamed like a little girl.
    "Hahaha!" I laughed at him.
    "I like your scream. It's cute."
    "Shut up pig!"
    "Oh really? You're trashy."
    "Whatever. Dinners gonna be ready in about 10 minutes."
    "Ok. It smells really good."
    I set the table and filled 2 glasses with iced tea.
    "I can't wait for tomorrow."
    "Me either. It's gonna be so fun."
    "Dinner is served."
    After dinner I cleaned up while Joey got ready for bed.
    "Hey Jo!"
    "Wanna watch Glee?"
    "Never heard of it." He said while walking downstairs.
    "Well then... I guess you'll have to watch it."
    We watched the first episode.
    "Do you like it?"
    "This is amazing."
    "Who's your favorite character?"
    "Brittany. Whose yours?"
    "Kurt. He's awesome."
    "Ya. Can we watch another episode?"
    "Yes! Oh ya I almost forgot. I kinda accidentally left my pajamas at home. May I please borrow some of yours?"
    "Of course!"
    We watched another 3 episodes and by the time that the last episode was over, Joey was fast asleep laying his head on my lap.
    No response. I carried him up to his room and set him on the bed, the pulled the comforter onto his body. Then searched for some pajamas.
    Once I had found some and put them on, I brushed my teeth, and got into bed.
            ~ 3 hours later ~
    I couldn't sleep. I walked to Joeys room and pushed the door open quietly, then went over to his bed and laid next to him. And put my arms around him.

Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update on Saturday. Anyway... Thanks for reading and have a great day! Byee 💕
Word count: 647

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