Chapter thirty two

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Joeys POV
  "Wake up! We're here." I said, waking up Daniel.
   "Nooooo... To early! 5 mins please."
   "Fine I'll just leave you here. Bye."
   "No! Ok ok I'm up."
   We got off the plane and got our luggage. As we left, we were having a discussion on whether or not we should get a hotel or stay with Daniels family.
We decided on a hotel so that we could... Well... I'll give ya a hint. His family wouldn't hear it happening. We drove to the hotel near his house and checked in, then went and hung out with his family for a few hours. His mom was super sweet and has the cutest Romanian accent.
"Joey?" Danny said in the car.
"Te iubesc atat de mult. Sper sâ nu trebuie sâ trâiascâ fârâ tine." ( I love you so much. I hope I never have to live without you.)
"I have no idea what you just said, but doesn't te iubesc mean I love you?"
"Then te iubesc, Danny Boy."
He kissed my cheek and we got to the hotel.
"Wanna go swimming?"
"I'd rather sit in the jacuzzi..."
"Ok that sounds nice."
We got to our room and stripped, not bothering to put our suits on and got in the tub, waiting for it to fill up. I got on top of Daniel and laid my head on his chest. He played with my hair and was humming. Pretty soon I was asleep.

Next morning

I woke up in the bed cuddled against Daniel. With no clothes on. Daniel was naked as well. I was slightly confused, but then remembered that we were in the jacuzzi last night. Oops. I really need to stop falling asleep and making Daniel put me to bed like a 5 year old. I kissed him, then seeing that he didn't move, I wanted to play a little game. I wanted to see how far I could go without him waking up. I kissed down his neck, and left a couple small hickeys. Nothing. I kissed down his stomach, tracing his abs. I then ran my finger along his penis. I could see is erection growing, but he still was asleep. He sure is a deep sleeper. I started giving him a blow job, and all the sudden moaned.
"Mhmm K-Joey."
But it wasn't my name. It sounded like he started saying Kyle but switched it to my name. I stopped and yelled at him.
"Are you cheating on me?"
"No. What are you talking about?!?!" He said sleepily.
"You started to moaned Kyle's name!"
"I swear. Nothing's happening between us," he said. " now can you please go back to what you were doing?"
"No! Not till I know that you only belong to me. No one else."
"Ok J. I'll prove it." He said, then left a huge hickey on my neck.
"Now, do the same to me so we know that we only belong to each other. And so everyone else knows, too." Daniel said, so I did what I was told.
"Now. Let's go back to what you were doing earlier." He pulled himself near my lower half and started to give me a blowjob.
"I'm sorry. I know you would never cheat on me. I trust you."
"It's okay." He said. "I need you to do what I tell you to do okay?"
"Yes, Mister Preda."
"Turn around and sit up."
I faced my back towards him and sat on my legs.
"Now. Close your eyes." I closed my eyes, and felt his stomach press against my back. He snaked his arms around me and told me lay down. I laid on him and he started to kiss me and then I felt him move, and then coldness. I groaned, missing his warmth, but it was soon back.
"I want you to top today. Since you always bottom." He stroked my penis, then rolled a condom into it.
"Joey bear?"
"May I open my eyes?"
"Sure, baby." He growled into my ear, and then I saw him start to ride my penis.
"Daniel! You didn't stretch! Doesn't that hurt?"
"You must have a hole of steel."
"Guess so. Now are you just gonna lay there?"
"No." I said and then bucked my hips.
"Mhm Joey. YESS."
"You like that, daddy?"
He moaned in response, and flipped him over. I pulled out and stood by the bed and pulled him close. It was kinda hard to get in because he is taller than me, but I got it and thrusted myself into him for about 5 minutes before I knew I was at my climax.
"D-Danny I'm c-close!"
"Me too."
"I l-love you!" I shouted
"I love you too, Joey!"
I unloaded myself into the condom inside of Daniel and he wasn't too far after me. He got up and started to clean himself off.
"Ya I'm definitely the top." He said laughing.
"I agree. I'm too short." I said, also laughing.
"Let's go take a shower. We reek like sex now." Daniel said and we got into the shower.

Hope you guys enjoyed this... Comment what you think will happen next chapter. Sorry I didn't update last week. Swim is over now though, so I should have more time to write.
Byee 💕
Word count: 896

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