Chapter Twenty Nine

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  Word suggestions pt. 2
Joeys POV
  I woke up and Daniel wasn't in bed. I groaned, realizing how cold the room is. I rolled over and saw a not on the nightstand.

Hey sorry I'm not there with you. I over slept and had to rush out the door so I could still go to coffee with Kyle. I'm sorry I didn't wake you. Every time I tried, you slapped me and complained that it was too early. I'll be back by 8:20 so we can go to the airport. Don't worry, I'll bring you some coffee. I love you <3
                                       Xoxo, Danny

  I was kinda sad I didn't get to go, but I guess it's my fault for not waking up. I rolled (more like fell) off the bed and started making breakfast, and after I ate it, I added the last few things into my suit case and texted Daniel. (It's 8:16)
  J: Hey Danny. Are you on your way?
  D: Look outside.
  I looked out our bedroom window and saw his car pulling into the driveway. I went downstairs and hid, so I could scare him. I heard the lock click and the door handle move.
  "Joey? I'm home!"
  I jumped out from behind the wall.
  "Ahhhhh!!" He screamed like a little girl.
   "Don't do that!"
  "Sorry Mr. Preda."
  "It's okay, Mr. Graceffa. Here's your coffee."
  "YAY! Thank youuu!"
  "Haha your welcome."
  "I need a shower."
  "Me too."
  "Let's go then." I set down my iced coffee and jumped onto his back. He looked a little shocked by my sudden movements.
"Let's go!"
He started walking up the stairs.
  "I love you."
  "I love you too."
  We got to our room and I pulled his shirt off, tracing his abs. He started to kiss my neck, I knew I would have a hickey there later, but I didn't care. I moaned.
"D-Danny we should start actually getting in the shower. We have to leave for our flight at 12:45."
"It's only 8:43. We've got time."
He continued to suck on my neck and I snaked my arms around him and took off my shirt. Our bare chests rubbed against each other, and I could feel his erection growing through his jeans. I let go of him and he dragged me into the bathroom and turned on the water so it would be warm.
"Come here."
I walked over to Daniel, and he started kissing me, while un buttoning my pants. Once he got them off of me, I took his off, not breaking the kiss.
I took off his boxers and then I took off my own. Now we were fully undressed, skin to skin, with our lips locked. It felt like we were in our own little world. It felt so right. It's not like I've never seen him naked. I mean, we've done some pretty smutty stuff before, but I still get the butterflies I had when I first started talking to him. We stepped into the shower while holding hands, and he grabbed my arms and pinned me to the wall, kissing me, but it wasn't long. As soon as it was gone, I missed his warm, plump lips on mine. I whined.
"Just a random question."
"Do you prefer shower sex or sex on the bed?"
"I don't care, as long as the moods right and I'm with someone I love. You?"
"Ok now can we get back to what we were doing?" I asked pointing to my erection.
"Of course." He laughed, then ran out of the shower, probably grabbing a condom and some lube. He came back with the condom and lube, and handcuffs? Yup he has handcuffs. Well... This should be fun. I've never tried using handcuffs during sex.
"I wanna try something different today."
"Stand by the shower head." I obeyed and walked across the shower to where the shower head is.
"Raise your hands." He hissed. I raised my hands and he handcuffed them to the shower head.
He got down on his knees and started to play with my balls.
"How could I almost forget?"
He pulled out a blindfold and put it over my eyes. This is interesting... Where did this Daniel come from?
I felt him start to stroke my penis, going faster than he usually starts.
  "I-I want you in me."
  "Well I may be able to make that happen."
  I felt his breath on my penis, making me want him even more, then just went back to giving me a hand job.
  "Dannyyy!" I whined, and it must have worked because I soon felt his warm, moist mouth around me. I bucked my hips and he gagged, quickly recovering though, and kept going. He pulled away and un cuffed me for a second while I turned around, then re cuffed me to the shower head. I kinda liked this. I heard his rip open the condom package. He started to tease my hole, and he told me to open my mouth, and I quickly felt his fingers so I closed my mouth and sucked on them.
  "Did I tell you to do that?" Daniel hissed.
  "N-no..." I said and then felt a burning sensation on my bum. He hit me. Not in a mean way, as "punishment". I kinda liked this Danny.
  "I kinda liked that." I said accident thinking out loud, and felt his hand again.
  He pushed some of his finger into me and I moaned in pain and pleasure. He pushed it in more until he had his whole finger in my bum, and then did the same thing with another finger, then he curled his fingers and I moaned really loud. He kept stretching me out, and then took his fingers out, I felt the tip of his penis in between my cheeks.
  "Whenever your ready."
  "Just do it!" I couldn't wait any longer. I NEEDED him.
  I felt him enter and he gave me time to adjust to his size.
  "Go ahead." I said after 4-5 seconds. I wasn't fully adjusted yet, but I wanted this as soon as possible. He slowly pulled almost all the way out, and then started to slowly go back in but this was too slow. I pushed back so he would go into me further faster, and he spanked me again.
  "Mhmm Danny B-boy I love you soo much."
  "I love you more." He said while slamming into my body.
  He kept doing this for a few minutes, each thrust feeling more pleasurable than the last. He started to stroke my penis, and I could tell we were both close.
  "J-Joey I'm c-close!" He basically screamed.
  "M-me too!"
  "Wait for me okay?"
  He thrusted into me a few more times before I felt him release into the condom. I couldn't even wait for him to pull out before I too came all over the shower. He took off my blindfold and un cuffed me. I turned around and gazed into his brownish-hazel (idk the real color so we're just gonna say that) eyes.
  "You have gorgeous eyes."
  "You do too pig."
  "Thanks." I said blushing
  "Ok I need to actually take a shower now. I smell like trash. And you do too don't lie." I said laughing, while he grabbed the shampoo/ conditioner and we washed each other's hair. He handed me my green washcloth and he grabbed his black washcloth. I grabbed his shower gel cuz let's be honest it smells better than mine, and we started washing ourselves, kissing occasionally. Once we got out, we realized we forgot towels. Oops. We went to the linen closet and got towels, then picked out our outfits and got dressed.
I looked over and saw him dressed, smiling down at the ground and blushing. I walked over to him and kissed his cheek.
"What are ya thinking about?"
"Awe you're so cute." I said standing on my tip toes and giving him a hug, burying my face into his neck.
"Let's go." I went to the kitchen and grabbed my coffee and we got into his car.

Hey guys! Hope you liked this... It was kinda hard to write 😂 comment your favorite color. Mines blue 💙 love you guys 😘
Byee 💕
Word count: 1,411

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