Chapter twenty five

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    Daniels POV
I woke up and Joey was quietly snoring next to me. I reached over and brushed his hair out of his face, and he smiled.
"Good morning sunshine."
"Good morning." He said in a deep morning voice. If you ask me, it was pretty sexy.
"I'm gonna run to Starbucks. Do you want your usual?"
"Yes please, Danny Boy."
"Alrighty pig. I'll be back soon."
"Ok bye."
"I love you!" I yelled, grabbing my keys about to leave.
"I love you too!" I heard him shout. I drove to Starbucks and grabbed Joey a Iced Mocha Chip coffee and I got myself a strawberry banana smoothie. On my way out, I saw Kyle.
"Hey, Kyle!"
"Hey! It's Daniel, right?"
"Ya! Nice to see you again!"
"You too!"
We sat down and talked for about 45 minutes when I got a text from Joey.
Jojo the Pig 💚: "Hey, are you okay?"
Danny Boy 💙: "Ya, I just ran into Kyle, from the pet adoption place. I'll be home soon. ❤️"
Joey the Pig 💚: Ok. ❤️"
"Hey Kyle?"
"What's up?"
"I have to go."
"Oh, ok. Can I have your number so we can hang out again?"
"Sure! It's (7371)829-2929"
"Ok, got it! I'll text you later ok?"
"Alrighty! Bye."
"Bye." I got up and left to go home.
When I got home, I saw Joey crying on the couch.
"What's wrong Baby?"
"M-my wrist. I fell down the stairs and now it hurts really bad, it's the same wrist from the car crash."
"Oh no. That's not good." I called Urgent Care, handing Joey his coffee.
"Hello, this is Hope. How may I help you?"
"My boyfriend fell down the stairs and hurt his wrist."
"Are there any previous injuries to that wrist?" She asked
"He got into a car crash in February, and fractured his wrist."
"Ok can you bring him in?"
"Yeah. We'll be there soon."
We went upstairs and got dressed, then got into my car and left.
"You know what I realized?"
"You don't have a car yet."
"It gets out of the shop in a few weeks."
"Are we still going to visit your sister this weekend?"
"Oh ya I totally forgot. She's fine, and out of the hospital, but ya I wanna go see her if you feel up to it."
Once we got to urgent care, they took Joey back into a room and after 2 1/2 hours, he came back out with a green colored cast with a pink pig printed onto it. I laughed.
"I got it for you." He said smiling.
"You're so trashy!" I responded and we both started laughing. I kissed him.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"Awe you guys are so cute." Hope said and we blushed, forgetting that there were 4 or 5 people standing by us.
"Thank you." Joey and I said in unison.
"Ok you guys are good to go, since Daniel payed while Joey was getting his cast on. Have a wonderful rest of your day you two."
"Thanks, you too!" We said as we left.
"You didn't have to pay."
"I know."
We got into my car and drove back home listing to some music.
"I just wanna stay in the sun where I find, I know it's hard sometimes." Joey sang.
"Pieces of peace in sun's peace of mind." I sang
"I know it's hard sometimes." We sang together. I looked at him and smiled. We just listened for a while then started singing again at the same time.
"A bullet for them a bullet for you, a bullet for everybody in this room."
"You have a beautiful voice."
"Thank you. And you have a pretty good voice yourself, Mr. Preda."
"Why thank you, Mr. Graceffa. I'd take a bullet for you anytime of any day. I hope you know that."
"Me too. I love you." He said.
"I love you too." We kissed at a red light.
We got home and did some homework.
"Why don't we go out on a date tonight?" I said
"Sounds good to me."
"Ok I'll plan it since I'm done with my homework."
"Ok I just have to finish my last page of my math homework, and then we can go."
"Ok." I said, going to get into the shower.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed. Please leave any suggestions in the comments and I will give you credit for the idea. I have a general plot line for this book and another surprise... But I do t want it to be plain and boring, so I wanna see what YOU guys wanna read. Thank you! Byee💕
Word count: 784

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