Chapter Thirty Four

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Daniel POV
We spent our last day in Boston together shopping with Joey's older sister, Nicole and my mom. It was awesome. Joey of course wanted to go into every store, especially the crystal store. When he wasn't looking I bought him a gold bracelet with a crystal on it. It was a crystal that was supposed to represent love according to the chart.
We got back to the hotel and I packed up most of my stuff. And by most, I mean everything but my extra hoodie. Joey wanted to keep that so it was like I was with him. He's adorable. I didn't need to leave until 9 because I have a night flight back to LA.
Joey and I cuddled on the bed watching Pretty Little Liars until I had to go.
"I've got to go baby."
"Noo stay here! What am I gonna do on the plane ride back?"
"Wear my hoodie and try to sleep the whole time."
"I'll try, but what if there's turbulence!"
"I'll buy you wifi on the plane and we can get a texting app that uses wifi instead of service and you can text me, okay?"
"Okay. My friend uses one called Text Now. We could use that."
"Sounds good. I'll text you the number it gives me."
"Ok. Good bye, Danny. I love you so much."
"Bye, Joey Bear. I love you more."
And with that, I left for the airport. I felt bad leaving Joey especially with his fear of planes, but he'll be okay. I hope.

I got home around 11:30 and decided to go to the club. I didn't want to sit home alone, so I brought the dogs home and then went out. When I got there, I saw Kyle.
"Hey Kyle! What's up?"
"Hey Daniel! Long time no see!"
He started to trip as he walked closer, and I caught him.
"Drink too much?"
"No!" He said pouting like a little kid.
"Let me get a few drinks and then you can spend the night with me. I don't need you getting in trouble. It'll be fun! Like a sleepover!"
"Sounds great!"
I bought a couple of STRONG drinks. Joey would actually murder me if he found out I was drinking, but hey, he's out of town. He doesn't have to know.
"Ready to go?"
"Ygss" Kyle slurred
"I'm gonna take that as a yes. Let me call an uber." I may be drunk, but there's no way I'm stupid enough to drive myself home.
The Uber showed up and we stumbled into the car. He drove us to my house, and we stumbled into my room.
"J-joeyyyyyyyyyyy why are you home eralyyyyyyy?"
"It's Kyle yo idottttttt"
"Noooo Joeyyyyyyy"
I walked over and started to kiss him passionately, then proceeded to throw him on the bed and climb on top of him.
"Joeeeyyyyyyyyy I love youuuuuu S muchhhhhhhh" I slurred.
I don't remember what happened after that.

I woke up and felt someone in my arms.
"Good morning Joey."
"Daniel? Wha- what am I doing here?"
"Oh god we didn't... Did we?"
"I don't think so?" Kyle said jumping out of my arms.
"Joey would murder me."
"Well this is awkward." I looked over at the trash can and saw a condom. Oh no. This can not be happening.
"I think we had sex."
"Oh god."
"You should probably leave before Joey gets home."
"Ya, I'm gonna go, later Daniel."
"See ya Kyle."

I heard the door open, and close. Then it opened again and I saw Joey come in.
"Hey Joey. How are you?"
"I'm good. I missed you."
"I missed you too. Want me to cook you something for breakfast?"
"Yes please. I'm starving."

"Hey why was Kyle walking out of the door when I got here?"
"He needed somewhere to stay last night cuz he got super drunk." Speaking of drunk, holy mother of hangovers. I went to the cabinet and grabbed an ibuprofen and a bottle of water.
I finished making Joey and I breakfast, eggs and toast, and we sat in the living room watching Glee.
"What do you wanna do today."

Kyle! What do you guys think will happen when Joey finds out the truth? 😈 stay tuned my little pineapples.🍍 I love you 😘
Byee 💕
Word count: 723

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