Chapter thirty three

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A/N: that last chapter was interesting 😂

Daniels POV
We finished getting ready and then drove to my family's house, and hung out with my sister and mom (dad was at work, but that's ok because he hates me for being gay and is an alcoholic. Let's just say that things can get really ugly and I really didn't want Joey around him.) we decided to go to Ruby Tuesdays for lunch, and then went back home and played Monopoly for 4 1/2 hours. I wanted to get Joey out of there before my "dad" got back, so we said our goodbyes and headed to the hotel.
  "Hey, is it ok if I stay an extra day with Nicole and Jett?" Joey asked
  "Ya. Of course. I'm gonna go back though. We can't keep Storm and Wolf at the kennel forever."
  "Ok thank you."
  "No problem, Joey."
  We got back to the hotel and decided to go to the pool. There was a hot tub as well, and we were the only ones there. I sat down and Joey climbed up on top of me, like usual. I kissed the back of his neck.
  "You missed." Joey said, then turned slightly to the side and we began to have a serious make out session. I love this man. So much. We pulled away and Joey laid his head on my chest, and we laid there for a while, both of us slowly drifting off to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later and picked up Joey, then proceeded to take him out of the hot hot tub and threw him into the cold pool.
  "Daniel! How could you?!?!" Joey said, resurfacing.
  I just laughed.
  "I hate you!"
  "You love me."
  "Not anymore!"
  "Ok I'll just go home and make out with Storm."
  "Have fun with that."
  "I will!"
  "I love you, even if you're actual trash."
  "Love you too, pig."
  We went back into our room and stepped out of our suits, cuddling naked on the bed.
  "Good night, Jojo."
  "Good night, Danny."
  "I love you."
  "I love you more."
  "Don't think that's possible."
  "Oh but it is."
  "Haha you wish."
  "Whatever pig."

And with that we went to sleep in each others arms.

Hey guys! Sorry that chapter was more fluffy than usual. Hope you had a good day.
Byee 💕
Word count: 396

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