Chapter Thirty One

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Daniel POV

We got onto the plane, found our seats and sat down. I got the window seat because Joey didn't want to be reminded that we were so high off the ground. Luckily, we were in a 2 seat row, so it was just us. The pilot went on with the usual speech about safety and we started take off. Once we were up in the sky, I could tell Joey was terrified, so I put up the arm rest and he scooted over next to me, as I put my arm around him and kissed his forehead.
"You'll be okay, Joey."
"Thanks, Danny."
He put in his earbuds and I saw that he put on Brittany Spears and smiled. She's literally the queen and slays my life. I too put in my earbuds and played some Brittany.
About 35 minutes later, I looked over at Joey and he was still asleep, but crying. I took out my earbuds and started to wake him up.
"Joey?" I said.
"Joey!" I said a little louder, shaking him slightly.
"Joey, wake up!" He started to open his eyes slowly.
"Why are you still here yelling at me? I thought you left." Joey asked, sounding hurt and confused.
"What do you mean?"
"Y-you told me you h-hated me and I was t-too clingy and too annoying. A-and you also s-said that you n-never loved m-me." He said starting to cry.
"What? When! I love you with all my heart and you aren't too clingy or annoying. You're perfect."
"A-are you s-sure?" Joey asks still crying.
"Positive. It was just a dream, Joey."
"O-ok. I love you."
"I love you too." I said wiping away his tears. "You should probably go back to sleep. We still have about 4 1/2-5 hours before we begin descent."
"Okay." Joey went back to sleep and I decided to watch some YouTube, since I payed to have wifi on the plane, I might as well use it.
I ended up watching a video called "Britney Spears- I Wanna Go Hunger Games Music Video Parody" on a channel named WinterSpringPro, (Link at the top of this chapter 😇) which had a guy that looked exactly like Joey in it. I'll have to ask him about it when he wakes up.
*2 hours later*
"Hey Daniel."
"Look who's awake!"
"I have soo much homework. I don't wanna do it."
  "We could just drop out. We have a high school diploma, and we haven't been going to our college classes anyway. We're just losing money at this point."
  "True. I'll email my professors tomorrow."
  "I will too."
(I hated them being in school tbh)
   Once we decided we were going to drop out, we started thinking of what we wanted to do with our lives.
  "I saw a poster that said that a modeling agency was looking for some models. You should check it out. I mean... You do have a amazing body after all..." Joey said.
  "Thanks. I'll think about it. Hey is this you by any chance?" I showed him the WSP channel I found earlier.
  "Yeah! That's my channel from high school. We ended it about a year ago."
  "Awe, that's too bad. The videos on here are actually really good. It also looks like you had a bunch of subscribers. You should totally try to be a YouTuber. I heard that now you can make money off of it."
  "That's not a bad idea. I'll buy a vlogging camera and see how it goes."
  "Can't wait."
  "Me either."
  Just then, the snack cart came along, as well as dinner menus. I was starving and craving some Mac-n-cheese. Joey got chicken salad.
  "I'm starving." Joey said.
  "Same, sis."
  "Oww!" Joey yelped suddenly.
  "What's wrong? Are you okay?"
  "Yeah, I just accidentally smashed my finger between the tray table and the seat."
"Ouchie. Hey I need to ask you something."
"Ask away, Danny Boy."
"Why do you always have dreams where we break up and I yell at you?"
"I don't know. Probably because you mean too much to me to not have you as a boyfriend and because my dad yells at my mom all the time."
"Oh. Well. I will NEVER yell at you. Pinky promise." We pinky promised and went back to our phones.

Sorry about this cruddy chapter. I realized just how trashy my book is and I'm honestly surprised that any of you read it 😂 ily all 😘
Byee 💕
Word count: 764

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