Chapter eleven

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Daniel POV
     Joey said that he would text me when he got home, but it's been an hour after I got home, so it's been around and hour and 45 minutes. Maybe I'm just too clingy. He has a life too. I decided to call him.
     I heard a voice that was DEFINITELY not Joey's.
     "Who is this?"
     "I'm Daniel, Joeys boyfriend. Who are you?"
     "I'm Matt. I work at the hospital. We took his phone incase someone called him while he was unconscious."
     "W-what h-happened to J-Joey?" I was crying by now.
     "He got in a car crash. He was texting someone when his car collided with a public transport bus."
     "Is he okay?"
     "He should be fine. Broken leg, fractured wrist, and several cuts. Two of them will need stitches. He lucky that's all. It was a really bad crash. Lots of damage to the car."
     "I'll be there in 15ish minutes."
     "Ok Daniel. See you soon."
     I hung up the phone and started sobbing. My "boyfriend" (we aren't official yet, I just wanted to know what happened to him) just got in a car crash. I still couldn't believe it. I had to see him.

~At the Hospital~

     I saw Matt at the desk.
     "Hey Matt."
     "Hey! You're Daniel, right?"
     "You can go up and see him. He's still unconscious. Here's his phone, wallet, and his keys. Room 167, floor 2."
     "Thanks. Have a good night."
     "Thanks, you too."
     He handed me a bag labeled Joey Graceffa, and I walked to the elevator and pressed 2.
     The elevator ride seemed to last forever, although I'm sure it only took 45 seconds. I walked down the hallway to Joeys room. I knocked, then walked in and sat next to his bed.
     "I'm here, Joey. Don't worry. It'll all be alright."
     Then I did something I shouldn't have. I went through his phone. Now, I know what you're thinking.
     "Wow. What a brat. He shouldn't be snooping."
      Well, I wasn't there to snoop. I was using his phone to get people's phone numbers so I could call them and tell them what had happened. First I called his mom, but I did that off his phone cuz if I did it off of mine, she probably wouldn't have answered.
     "Hi, Mrs. Graceffa."
     "Who is this? I thought it was Joey."
     "I'm Daniel. I just wanted to let you know that Joey has been in a car crash and is at the hospital right now. I'm here with him, and the doctors said that he'll be alright."
     "I'll be there soon. Thanks for telling me Daniel."
     "You're welcome."

     Then I called Cat, Megan, Whittany, and Nicole. (Those are the people he talks most about) they were all going to come to the hospital, either today or tomorrow. I started to sing a little to help calm me down.
I've got my ticket for the long way round
     The one with the prettiest of views.
     It's got mountains, it's got rivers.
     It's got sights to give you shivers.
     But it sure would be prettier with you.
     I saw Joey smile a little, but then the smile faded and he didn't open his eyes.
     "Joey, I don't know if you can hear me right now, but i just want you to know, that I called all your friends, and they're gonna try to come over. I'm gonna stay here, with you. I love you, Joey."
     Nothing. No reply. Thank goodness, I don't know if he loves me too, after all we've only been on one date, but I just needed to say it.
     His mom walked in, saw him, and we both started crying. I left to go wash my face because I had been crying for a while now, and so she could have some privacy with Joey.
     When I got back, his mom said that she was going to go get some coffee, as it was going to be a "long night." She offered to get me some, and I gladly accepted. I sat in the chair and just stared at Joey, which sounds kinda creepy but whatever. His mom came back about 5 minutes later.
     "Here you go."
     "Thank you."
     "You know, Joeys never really had any friends that are guys."
     "Ya all his friends are girls."
     "Well, then I guess he really must like me then." I didn't say that we were dating cuz I don't know if he has told his mom he's gay yet.
     "I'm gonna run home and get some clothes and my tooth brush. I'll be back soon."
     After she left, I got into the bed with Joey and we just laid there. I put my arm around him, then slowly drifted off to sleep.
     "Cat, SHUT UP! Your gonna wake up Daniel and ruin this!"
     "Awe but they're so so cute!"
     I recognized the voices. It was Cat and Hope. I guess Cat called Hope and made her come too. Hope isn't really friends with Joey yet, so I'm assuming Cat made her come for me.
     "Hey Cat. Hey Hope."
     "Hey Daniel. How's he doing?"
     "Good, how are you guys?"
     "Joeys mom came for about 2 1/2 hours, then left."

A week later

"I love you too, Daniel. And you have a beautiful voice."

"YOU'RE AWAKE!!!!!" I immediately pushed (more like excitedly slapped) the nurse help button so they could check his vitals.

Joey started to get better over time. I still haven't left his side. I smell like ACTUAL trash and my hair looks terrible. Joey has told me to go home change and take a shower, and you know... EAT, but I just can't do it. I can't leave.

A few weeks later, Joey got discharged with a cast, stitches, and several bandages, but I was glad he was better. ALSO GUESS WHAT HAPPENED?!?!

~In the Car Home From Hospital~

"Joey I want to ask you something."
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing... I was just wondering..."
"Wandering what?"
"Will you please be my boyfriend?"

This is the longest chapter I've ever written 😂😂 1,040 words!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed! Byee!! 💕

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