Chapter fourteen

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Daniel POV


     My phone buzzed. I looked at it and saw that the caller id said Mommy ❤️ (yes, I still call my mother mommy. Don't judge!)
     Mommy ❤️: "Call me ASAP. It's an emergency."
     Daniel: "I'll call you now."
     She picked up on the first ring.
     "Hi... What's wrong?"
     "Your sister just... Well... She tried to umm..." My mom was crying in the other end of the phone."
     "She what?" I said.
     "She overdosed on pain killers. She passed out and hit her head of the corner of the counter on her way down, then hit her head again on the tile floors. The doctors also found several cut marks, that had turned into scars."
     "Is she okay?!?!"
     "The doctors said that she will be fine, but she will have to go to therapy. She should be discharged in about a week."
     "Where are you guys?"
     "We're at the hospital in Boston. I know you're in LA, so you probably won't be able to come visit her, but I just wanted to let you know what happened before someone else did."
     I was sobbing uncontrollably at this point, and luckily Joey was there, and he was comforting me.
     "I'll try to come visit her once she's out of the hospital. I'll call her if I can't make it."
     "Ok. I love you so much, Daniel."
     "I love you too, mama."
     I hung up and Joey hugged me as I cried into his shoulder.
     "What happened?"
     "M-my sister. S-she t-tried to k-kill herself." I said
     "That's terrible. I'm really sorry, Daniel. Do you need to go be with her?"
     "I probably should go... But she's in Boston."
     "Hold on." Joey said as he  went to his computer.
     He typed a few words, then looked up at me, smiling.
     "There ya go. One plane ticket to and from Boston for a week and a half. The plane leaves tomorrow morning at 10:45, so you should probably leave here at 8:30."
     "Thank you Joey. I'll pay you back."
     "No need. You have to see your sister. It's important."
     "Are you gonna come too?"
     "Do you want me to?"
     "Ya. I don't think I could do it alone."
     "Ok. I'll get myself a ticket too."
     After Joey got his ticket, I went home to pack, then went back to his apartment.
     "I'm back." I yelled.
     No response. That's weird. Where could he have gone? He doesn't have a car.
     I checked his balcony, and he wasn't there, either.
     I went upstairs and saw him asleep on the bed. Then I remembered that we were supposed to go to dinner with his family in 30 minutes!
     I shook him awake and told him to get ready.
     "Are you sure you still want to go?"
     "Yes. Let's go!"
     "Okay okay! Let's go."
     We jumped into my car and drove to the restaurant so we wouldn't be late with LA traffic.

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