Chapter 5- What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

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I heard the ongoing beep of machines. I felt light headed and too weak to move.

'Come on Karma, you can do it. Open your eyes.' I encouraged myself in my head. It took every once of strength in my body to flutter my eyes open. Except... everything was blurry.

'Just great, I'm blind.' I thought. I tried turning to the side, but that just made my head spin. I winced. A big blob formed in front of me.

"Ms. Bradford?" It was male.

"Wuh..." Then I felt myself black out again.

Third person's POV

"Nurse we need a blood transfusion stat!" The doctor ordered. Nurses swarmed in and out of the tiny box of a room.

In the waiting room, Tommy paced furiously, while Abigail was on the phone with Louis.

"I need to see her." Tommy stopped pacing and began walking towards her room. Luckily, he snuck by the nurses. He peered through the glass wall to see a million IV'S being stuck into her arms. Blood bags hung all around her bed.

"Mr. Bradford?" The doctor came out.

"Yes, that's me." He replied anxiously.

"Well she lost a very high amount of blood. She's stable now, this should be her last transfusion. We need to keep her overnight just to make sure she has enough blood and her ovaries aren't damaged.

"Wait, what's wrong with her ovaries? What about the babies?" With each second that passed, Tommy's emotions got more confusing.

He was sad and furious about the situation, yet at the same time he felt anger towards Karma.

"I'm so sorry, but she's lost the babies." Those 8 words were the worst of his life.

"They're gone." Tommy more stated it than asking it. The doctor sadly shook his head before walking past. Tommy peered through the glass wall again and saw Karma sleepily peacefully.

'Drew did this. I just know he did.' Tommy's wolf growled.

'I know he did. And I'm going to kill him in battle.'

Drew's POV

My giant paws smacked against the dirt road as the wind blew through my fur. Dustin mind linked me in the middle of a run, telling me to come see the new vampire recruit.

As I got closer, I saw that basically my whole training area was in the sky.

"Dustin, what the heck happened?!" I growled.

"Don't blame me. Little vamp over here has powers." I turned my attention to the dark haired figure, moving boulders in the sky. Four of my best fighters were in their wolf forms, in attack mode.

I watched as he threw a boulder at one of my fighters. He was quick enough to dodge, but slow to recover as another boulder hit him in surprise.

A smirk played on my face.

"This will be mighty handy in battle on the next full moon." I nudged Dustin.

He began walking towards me.

"Nice skills you got there, Zack." I said.

"It's Zayn. Thanks, I think it'll be enough for the full moon battle. I can't wait to kick their butts in a few weeks." He chuckled, looking up at the faded moon.

Karma's POV

I had woken up about an hour ago, and still no one had told me how I got here. All the doctor said was that I have slight amnesia from all the blood loss.

"AYE AYE CAPTAIN!" I screamed at the tv. Ah, Spongebob, gotta love it. A soft knock came from the door.

A big smile found it's way to my lips. "Tommy!" I gave him a hug. He climbed into bed next to me. "Hey why am I here?" I looked into his eyes. I didn't notice before that they were red and puffy, like he had been crying.

"Are you ok, babe?" I asked, lifting his chin up.

"I am... but... the babies... aren't." He exhaled deeply and my heart froze.

"W-what do you mean?" I pleaded. He gripped my hand tight.

"You've lost the babies." My eyes became glossy and Tommy pulled me into his arms. I cried into his chest, my eyeliner smearing his shirt.

"B-but I don't e-even know how." I hiccuped. Tommy kissed my forehead and then memories flooded back to me.

I remember. Drew came in and he.... he killed my babies!

"Drew. Drew did this." I scoffed.

"I had a feeling it was him, babe. But, don't worry, it's going to be ok. You still have me and we can try again." He rubbed small circles on my back.

"I know we can, but this was supposed to be special. Our first kids, gone, just like that." I wiped the tears from my face. Tommy leaned in and kissed me softly.

"Now listen to me. We need to be strong, the both of us. This bothers me just as much as you do. And... we sort of have more problems. Drew is declaring a war on the next full moon, which is in 3 weeks. Once he steps paw in a 20 mile radius I will kill him. But baby, I love you so much, so be strong." He kissed me again and I snuggled into his chest.

"I didn't know you liked Spongebob?" I laughed at him.

"Um, who doesn't? Spongebob is like my idol." I laughed. My stomach felt a little weird.

Is it possible that I didn't really lose my babies?

I pushed the thought aside. It can't be possible, right?


Hey guys! Can I just say... HOW FREAKIN AMAZAYN YOU GUYS ARE! I mean you're just too awesome. Ok so, I know I still have in process stories, but I started writing more and have not posted them yet.

I'm thinking of posting one called One Sided Mirror, it's a Harry Styles fanfic for all you Harry's girls. So tell me if you think I should or not. <3

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