Chapter 46- Daddy Can't Control

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A/N: So . . . it looks like the third book will be . . . A Sinner's Secret!!!

And the majority of you seem to want Zayn to be Kade's mate . . .

Oh! THIS IS THE FINAL CHAPTER! So enjoy, just as I had writing this. Thanks for all the reads, votes, and comments everyone!

Look out for the third book, A Sinner's Secret, it's out now!

Tommy's POV

My bags made a loud thud as they hit the floor. I sighed, walking in to the house. Karma's scent still hung strongly. But, another scent, the scent of a vampire, hung the strongest, meaning a vampire was here recently.

"Kade, I'm back!" I cupped my hands around my mouth and shouted. The thunder of paws grew louder until a giant black wolf came into view, charging from the trees.


I growled and stood my ground, ready in a fighting stance. The giant black wolf skidded to a halt and slid across the sleek floor, wagging it's tail. It's black eyes glinted as it panted for breath.

Then it shifted into the all too familiar girl, my daughter. "Kade?"

"So, how good does fur look on me?" She smirked, but her eyes shone with excitement.

I stammered for the right words. My daughter, the rarest of them all, a Lybrid with black fur. "It's amazing! You shifted! And you're a black wolf!" I engulfed her in a big hug, spinning her around. When I set her down, I looked at her, seriously. "Your mom would be proud."

Her smile grew. "I hope she is."

"Wait," I raised an eyebrow. "Who was with you when you shifted."

"No one, I was all alone. Thanks for leaving me." She nudged my side. It's amazing how well she's taking this. When I first shifted, I was all alone too. Crying for months, because no one was around after I had shifted. No one was there to congratulate me.

"Hey, I offered if you wanted to come with me, see the great Alpha at work, meet the pack." I shrugged.

"Yeah, why aren't you at the pack right now?" She asked, crossing her arms.

I shrugged again. "Thought I'd take a break from work and come see you. With Louis gone and all, I need to step up and be a dad in your life."

"You don't have to, I'm fine, honest." I shook my head.

"Nope. I need to be here. You're starting school next week, going to be what, a Junior, Senior? See, your old man is too old to even know what grade your in." I laughed. But seriously, how old is she?

"Junior, and you're not my old man, you're my . . ." She trailed off. "Father figure."

I nodded, understanding. "I guess so. Hey! Why don't we go shopping, yeah? Buy some school supplies?"

"Nah, it's okay. I already drove out and bought some." My eyes widened.

"You drove?" She nodded. "Since when can you drive or get a car?"

"Since like, last week, on my birthday."

Oh crap. I forgot her birthday. I rubbed my neck awkwardly. "Damn. . . Sorry I missed your birthday."

"It's fine." Her face fell. "I had a few poptarts and got a car from Mom, it was worth it though." She sighed. "I'm going to head to my room, yeah?"

I nodded and she sprinted to her room. Was it something I said?

Kade's POV

I grabbed my black hoodie that was draped across my bed and slipped it over my shirt. I changed into black jeans and combat boots.

The duffle bag on the floor was already packed with the weapons I would use to hunt. All that I needed to do was steal my truck and make it past Tommy.

No doubt he's still lurking around in here, probably watching the game. I slung the bag over my shoulder and opened the door ever so slightly.

Tommy was spaced out on the couch, snoring. I rolled my eyes. Pathetic. I can't believe my mom chose to marry him.

I tiptoed out and into the garage. My glamorous keys hung on the hook on the wall next to the garage door. The truck made a quiet beep when I hit the unlock button.

The truck smelled of vanilla and perfume, an odd combination, but a good one none the less. The garage opened painfully slow, revealing the full moon and dark cloudless sky. The truck roared to life and I started driving.

In no time, I was at the camping grounds. I discovered that the camping grounds were pretty much the hive of all rogues. They mated, hunted, and killed here.

My boots scraped against the muddy ground as I walked around to the back of my truck. I zipped open the duffle bag.

I heard several growls and howls coming from the trees. I took the safety off of my gun and looked around for my first kill. All at once, a large number of wolves, rogues, emerged, their eyes glowing bright underneath the moon light.

Who's going to die tonight?

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