Chapter 8- Mixed Signals

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Karma's POV

"P-pregnant? B-but how?!" How is this possible? It's 100% positive that I lost both my babies thanks to Drew.





No. No. Fucking no! I can't be pregnant with his baby!

"Well it's possible you only lost one baby due to the miscarriage." That's a lie. I know I lost both of my babies, so that only leaves one other option.

Im pregnant with Drew's baby.

"Yeah, that must be it." I lied. I put on a fake smile as he cleaned the gel from my stomach. When I was all cleaned up, I headed towards my car. A million thoughts racked my brain.

"You should'nt stress baby girl." I removed my eyes that were fixed on the ground to the blue eyes leaning against my car. He was older than Louis for sure. He looked about 30 maybe 25. But, he looked so familiar, I just could'nt put my finger on it. 

"Um, excuse me?" I began taking in his qualities. He had really light brown hair that looked like Tommy's. He had my blue eyes with specks of brown scattered in the center. He had a certain glow like Harry did. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. All of those pictures that mom showed me and the stories that she would tell me before bed as a kid. It was him. It was my father.

"Dad?" He smiled and crinkles by his eyes formed.

"Took you long enough, Kar." He spread his arms out wide and I did'nt hesitate to jump in. He wrapped his arms securely around my shoulders, since he was greatly taller than me.

"You're finally here. But, why?" I pulled back.

"I came to help. You might wonder, 'how am I here? I'm dead'. Well just like your friend Harry of there, I'm an angel now. So, when I was watching you from above, I saw your distress. Can't an old man come help his baby girl?" He laughed and I laughed too. Now I can finally have a life with a father figure.

On the car ride home, I told my dad about everything he missed while he was in Heaven. He seemed pretty proud of my accomplishments and sad that he missed them, especially my wedding.

"Well if I knew you were getting married, I'd come down here earlier." He laughed. We got out of the car and inside the house. I told dad about the pregnancy and he did'nt seem mad. He seemed pretty collected when I told him. Now, just telling the boys, that's going to be tough.

"I'm home!" I called out. Just like the little puppy he is, Tommy came running down the stairs and wrapping me into his embrace. He must've seen my dad because he started growling.

"Are you still on that 'Mr. Steal Your Girl' thing? You need to get outside more." I pat his head, acting like he was a puppy. 

"I can't help it, honey." He said, his eyes twinkling.

"This is my dad. He's a vampire, but now he's sort of angel, I guess." I told him. Then Louis came down.

"Your dad? But, he's like 25 at least." Tommy would'nt believe it.

"Have you been taking random strangers from the parking lot again Karma?" Louis raised an eyebrow. I glared at him.

"I'm actually 32. I was executed when I was 32 and after that you don't age." My dad said. The boys nodded. "Oh and call me Christopher. Or dad, I hear you both married my daughter. How's that working out?" My dad laughed.

"Dad!" I elbowed him.

"Ugh it's a pain in the ass!" Tommy groaned then smirked at me. I narrowed my eyes at him and imagined him getting beat up by my dad. But, nothing happened.

"Well, I think I should head to your mother's. She's gonna be real surprised." He smiled.

"Ew no more babies please. Kellin and I don't need none of that." I shuddered. He laughed and walked out of the door.

Ah I see what you did there. Leaving me to tell them I'm pregnant with Drew's baby. Smart dad.

"Karma are you ok? You seem tense." Louis scanned my face.

"Um I actually have some news. You might want to sit down." I rubbed the back of my neck, nervously. They did'nt hesitate to sit down on the couch. I removed my bag and sat at one side of the couch.

"Well I uh went to the doctor's today because my stomach has been feeling funny. I got a ultrasound and the doctor said that I'm pregnant. But, it's Drew's child." I said really slow so they can process it. Louis stared at me wide eyes, as did Tommy. I chewed nervously on my bottom lip, just waiting for them to say something. Finally, Louis did.

"Well what happens now?" His question caught me by surprise. I didn't even know for myself.

"Well for starters, I'm keeping the baby." Tommy kind of broke from his trance, but then went back in it once I told him.

"Whatever you want to do with this baby, I'll support you." Louis grabbed my hand and kissed it. I smiled. Vampires were more understanding than other creatures. Werewolves just happened to be on the bottom of the understanding list.

"T-Tommy? Are you ok?" I waved my hand in front of his face and he shook his head.

"Y-yeah yeah. Karma, as much as I despise Drew and that he got you pregnant, we will raise this baby."

I let out a sigh of relief. I thought he was going to go on a full on rampage.

"We should all get some rest don't you think? We start training tomorrow, 6 a.m. sharp." Louis smirked at me. Oh the pleasure of waking up early.

We all walked upstairs and I separated from them to take a well needed shower. I grabbed a lingerie set and a Sleeping With Sirens oversized t-shirt. I let the steam from the shower fog up the mirror. I coated my body with the sweet smelling body scrub and scrubbed my hair. After I rinsed, I wrapped a fuzzy towel around my body and dried off. I slipped into my clothes and walked into the bedroom. Louis was lying in the bed in a fail of a sexy position. I could'nt help but laugh at his childness.

"Like what you see, babe?" I nodded, silently laughing. He patted the spot next to him and I climbed in. 

"Where's Tommy?" I asked. He went for a run and hunt with the lads." Louis ran his fingers through my hair.

Louis? Do you accept me for the way I am?" I asked, curious. In a swift move I was sat upright in his lap.

"Of course I do. Who wouldn't? Your'e beautiful, kind, sweet, caring, the list goes on. I love you to the moon and back." He said, serious.

"More than carrots?" I joked.

"more than carrots." He laughed and kissed my forehead. We laid back down and I snuggled into his chest. I fell asleep to the sound of his light snoring.

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