Chapter 10- Go To Hell

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Karma's POV

Ugh! I'm so upset that I can't shift. But, that still doesn't mean I can't fight. if I can fight in my human form, I can surely take at least one of them down.

"I can't believe the full moon is tonight." Briella said, rubbing her baby bump.

Tonight was finally the night I've been waiting for. The night we will destroy Drew for making all of our lives hell.

"You're totally going to rebel, aren't you?" Briella smirked.

"What would make you say that?" I asked, innocently.

The boys walked in looking hot and sweaty. I handed Tommy and Louis ice waters and got kisses on the cheek in return.

"Sorry you can't shift, babe. But, hey! Can't you still shift into vampire form?" Louis asked, taking a sip of his water.

"I can try." I completely forgot about my vampire form! I tried shifting and it actually worked!

"Yes! Now I can totally take Drew down." I felt amazing right now. I had so much adrenaline in my system.


"It's 11:30. 30 more minutes." Liam said. The moon was already peaking from out of the fog filled sky. The stars were shining extra bright tonight, making it a truly pretty scene.

"It's so cool at night." I said, admiring the scenery. I was in my vampire form so I could hear every move anything made. I heard a family of deer drinking from the stream in the middle of the forest and a pack of bats hunting.

Then I heard rustling and several paws crunching through the dead branches. I started hissing, considering I couldn't growl.

"They're here." Harry said. I turned to look at him. He should protect me if I get hurt, right? He is my guardian angel after all.

Finally, wolves emerged from the bushes. It would've looked like the seen from twilight, except they're wolves and holy crap there's a lot of them!

One familiar face caught us all off guard.

"ZAYN?!" We all shouted. He smirked, eyes glowing red.

Louis and the boys looked hurt while Tommy and the others looked ready to kill.

"Hello, babe." Drew's voice like venom.

"Miss me?" I bared my fangs at him.

"Now now, no need to get feisty with me. I hear you bare my child." He smirked. It looked a little weird since he was in his wolf form.

"Yeah, I'm pregnant." I said, bluntly.

All he did was smile cruelly at me.

Tommy growled and was the first to lunge. He shifted in midair and attacked Drew. After that, everyone just sort of lunged at each other. Chavan at Lucian, Stella at Dustin, Harry at Zayn and so forth.

Dustin's POV

Out of nowhere, a pink headed girl lashed at me. She seemed familiar. Maybe she was one of Drew's slaves. Stella, I think was her name?

'Mate' My wolf howled. I stared into her brown eyes. Surely enough she was my mate. I had been searching for eternity for my mate. Now I've finally found her. She's so beautiful.

"Mate." I growled. I pulled her away from all of the males.

"Let go of me! Karma! Briella! Help!" She struggled in my hold. Her wolf must not have sensed that I'm her mate yet.

"Mate." I repeated, a little softer. She stopped thrashing and looked into my green eyes. She actually started smiling.

"Mate." She said. I felt so overjoyed. I kissed her long and hard on the lips. Then she opened her eyes and pushed me back slightly.

"What is it?" I asked, worried. I grabbed her wrists.

"You're on Drew's side, aren't you?" She looked down.

"Yeah, I am, why?" I asked. "You're on Karma's side, huh?" I smirked at her.

"Why are you smirking?" She crossed her arms.

"No reason. Hey, I will fight by your side as long as I live. Forget Drew and his army. Now it's us." I kissed her gently on the lips. She pulled back smiling. I picked her up bridal style and carried her back. She shifted into her beautiful wolf. She was dark grey with piercing electric purple eyes. I shifted into my light brown wolf and nuzzled her. She nuzzled back before running off. I watched her take down two wolves at once. My mate is awesome.

I was tackled to the ground by a different wolf. He bared his canines.

"Wait!" I shouted. He stopped, but was still on top of me.

"I'm on your side. I just met my mate, Stella." He cocked his head to the side before looking in the direction of Stella. He nodded and shifted after getting off.

"Welcome to the light side. I'm Chavan." He patted me on the back.

Karma's POV

We've been doing well so far, no deaths on our side, but on theirs, they're pretty much done for. Except they still out number us. Zayn and Harry have been going at it non stop. Stella informed me that she finally found her mate, which happened to be Dustin. I'm really happy for her, but I don't trust him all the way yet.

I looked over to my mate in distress. Tommy was underneath Drew and he looked like he was in serious pain. I used my vampire speed to run over and used my strength to throw him off. His back hit a tree and it sounded like I snapped his spine. He laid out cold on the ground. Good, it should give me enough time to fight off the others. I turned to Tommy. He held his arm which was gushing blood.

"Tommy!" I carefully removed his hand. Teeth marks were deeply embedded around his forearm. He won't heal in time to continue fighting. I removed the scarf I was wearing and tied it tight around his forearm. I slowly sat him up and directed him towards the house.

"No, I can still fight." Tommy got ready to shift.

"No, you can't. You won't be able to stand on all fours." I laid him back on the couch and sprinted back. Drew was no longer by the tree, which worried me. Suddenly, I was pinned to the ground by none other than the demon himself.

"You're still mine. You bare my mark, remember?" He growled, tracing the swirls on my leg lightly.

"I was never your's to begin with!" I threw him off of me, but he landed on his paws. He charged at me. Right when he was about to hit me head on, Harry wrapped his arms around his neck and steered him away from me.

"You stay away from her!" His deep British accent showing. He tightened his grip around his neck, strangling him. Harry bared his fangs before biting deep into Drew's neck, sucking the life out of him. It was a disturbing sight to see such a bloodless figure.

"He's gone." I breathed, smiling slightly. Harry smiled and ran over to pick me up in a hug.

"You did it Harry! You protected me!" He truly is my guardian angel.

"Well I'm your angel duh." He said in a fake American accent. We laughed.

I saw Stella hugging Dustin who looked a little sad. He was his best friend after all.

"What happened to Zayn?" I asked suddenly.

Harry looked down before saying, "He's dead." I nodded. I guess this war brought a lot of grieving to us. The rest of the wolves fled. All of us were exhausted to the core.

"We won!" I cheered. Everyone else cheered along. I felt a little kick in my stomach. I giggled a little bit and put my hand over my stomach.

"I think we could all use a bit of hot chocolate and rest." I said.

We all started walking back. As I was about to open the back door, I heard a scream. I turned around to see Stella with an arrow stuck in her chest. Dustin caught her just as she fell. I rushed over to her. Blood kept pouring out of her chest.

"Who did this?" I whispered.

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