Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Trey Denver:

I sat on my motorbike and studied the beautiful looks of the bike and smirked proudly.

It was pitch black with Harley Davidson written on it in bold, cursive flicks.

I slammed my foot against the pedal and my motorbike, Hades raced away from my concrete pathway of my unwelcoming house.

The wind rushed through my body and made my messy, black hair fall into my green eyes from underneath my black bike helmet.

Through the eye slits in the helmet I quickly turned my stiff neck towards the blurring trees and then focused them back onto the road ahead.

I could see the upcoming black gates of my school and slowed down the acceleration slightly.

I passed a Nissan Suzuki car that was plain white before meeting the front gates where I could ride in to park my bike.

The car park was rather large and filled with all sorts of cars.

From old to new.

Expensive to cheap.

I trained my eyes towards my left side and noticed the lack of larking spaces and groaned in great annoyance.

I then proceeded to check my right side in which too, didn't have any parking space.

Feeling tempted to hit my head I lent my hand softly against my forehead which made me look like I was face-palming myself.

In reality I was just resisting the urge to hit my head multiple times.

I lifted my head up slightly and further down the aisle I saw an open spot.

Mentally cheering for myself I slowly rode over towards the empty spot, carefully parking so that my motorbike was see able.

My foot released the access tie completely and using my foot I pushed the silver pole down to stop it from falling over.

Lifting my right leg off the bike first the moving onto my left leg I locked my eyes with my two friends.

Fox and Harvey.

Fox had side swept red hair and his mouth was firmed in a smile at the sight of my pacing figure.

Harvey was smirking towards me with his brown hair falling over his right eye.

"Hey dudes!" I slapped them on the shoulder roughly and they laughed with a groan.

"Hey buddy. Cutting first period with us and coming to the party this afternoon?" Harvey said flipping his handout of his brown eyes.

"Sure. Sounds like some fun. Let's hang out in the bushes underneath that bridge. Nobody will see us there." I grinned.

"Sounds like a plan bro!"

I shook my head at Fox and then grimaced, remembering my bruised neck from the previous night.

Ignoring the jolt of pain I held my head high and strutted through the school with my bros beside me.

Smirking at the hot chicks that walked past.

Once we were out of sight my face fell in slight sadness.

I plopped myself onto the grassy floor and stared up at the timber bridge above me and wondered secretly if the bridge would fall on top of me.

Fox handed me a can of VB and pulled the can lid up, hearing the popping noise go off as if to say, "I am now possible to be drunk."

I took a big sip of the alcohol and coughed slightly at the burning sensation in my throat.

The Way We Judge (NanoWrimo2013) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now