Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

Max Henderson:

"Maxine!" I called, "are you ready?"

The blue BMW car door was wide open while I waited for Maxine to stop fussing over her makeup and get out of the house already.

I glanced around the spacious garage, noting in my head that the place needed to be cleaned.

Over in the far corner was washing gear that was lying in the corner waiting for use with yellow sponges that sat beside them with water still evident on the sponge.

You could see a round puddle of water beside it and when I looked upwards by a centimeter I saw a bunch of trophies laying on the thin, cardboard like shelf.

I furrowed my thick eyebrows in confusion.

Hearing clicking footsteps from behind me, I turned around to face the smiling form of my twin sister; Maxine.

"What you looking at?" Maxine asked me, her brown eyes lingering onto my face.

"These trophies. Where'd they come from?" I looked at my sister waiting for her to answer.

"Trophies?" She responded walking over to my side and glancing upwards at the scattered trophies.

Maxine grabbed one of the small trophies that was in the shape of a football and studied it closely.

She twisted the trophy around in circles until she spotted the plaque on the front side of the trophy.

I inched closer towards her, glancing at the gold trophy from over her shoulder.

The writing was hard to decipher as it was covered in dust but I watched as Maxine rubbed her finger over it, removing the dust causing the little particles to fly in the air around the both of us.

"Daniel Henderson." My sister read out, tucking a piece of her brown hair behind her tiny ears that stuck out in the slightest way possible.

"These were Dads trophies?" I questioned.

"I guess so. It says here that his team came first in football, 1985."

I rubbed my brown eyes in disbelief.

Since when did he play football?

"Wow." I breathed.

She shrugged her shoulders in response, turning around and hopping into the car in a lady like fashion.

I jumped in myself, pulling the door shut.

I wrapped my fingers around the red steering wheel, pushing my large foot onto the right pedal, only after checking my mirror and the cream coloured, brick walls. 

Reaching the end of the garage, I turned the car left which caused my muscled arms to jerk sideways.

I stared out the front window to the car, my eyes whizzing past the blurring scenery.

"You coming to help me with the food supplies for the homeless this afternoon?" Maxine asked me, her voice curious.

"Yep." I answered, keeping my eyes trained on the road ahead.

The black gates to the school made their way into my eyes and I turned the car towards the right, driving into the car park.

The car park was spacious, yellow lines marking the spaces of the parking.

I turned the car into a free space next to a white truck, along with a small, yellow buggie.

I lifted my foot from the pedal, slowing the car to a halt, the radio instantly cutting off with, "And the sky is falling down."

The Way We Judge (NanoWrimo2013) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now